Friday, January 8, 2016

Well, good day everyone!
I'm Isaac Hall, (on the right) U.S. Marine, who is currently pursuing a graduate degree in sports management, I have a rather high enthusiasm when it comes to my country because I absolutely adore her in every single way. I actually served 4 years in the marines doing 2 deployments to Afghanistan, both in which were combat zones. (Mian Poshtey '09) (Sustani '11) I love and respect all of the people who have sacrificed and joined the armed forces. It takes a lot of guts because you know there is a possibility of you going to war, no matter what your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) I actually wanted to make a career out of the marines, I just happened to get injured while on the job in 2009.

As far as education I have an undergrad in sports marketing, from Full Sail University, this is where I'm pursuing my graduate degree as well. I grew up playing sports and developed a love for them rather quickly. That said I'm very passionate about the sports industry, I've always been intrigued by the behind the scenes aspect, like how does it all work, what's done to bring this all together in order for us as fans to enjoy this great gathering. I've since then found the answers to these questions and am even more in awe of this billion dollar industry.

Once its all said and done I will have a masters of science in sports management elective track. I will have learned what needs to be done in order to enter general management within a sports franchise, you're placed in real world situations and expected to act accordingly and above expectations. While in pursuit of this degree, I hope to learn more about myself in order to really use that to my advantage in order to elevate myself within my career field. I hope to also make a few friends along the way, if you feel fit to do so please follow me and I'll do the same.

Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fidelis
Full Sail Alumni

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