Friday, January 29, 2016

Sneaker Deals

There are massive contracts in the NBA for players of great caliber. Much debate has actually taken place since there are 21 year olds making millions of dollars in their contracts. People fail to realize there are other options for players to make money as well. One way particularly would be through a sneaker deal, (brand sponsorship)

So I was able to get a bit of information pertaining to how many players are signed to certain companies see below....

Nike- 68% of players
Adidas- 16% of players
Jordan- 7% of players
Under Armour- 4%

Average players

Players who come off the bench to relieve starters even receive sneaker deals. These deals however are in a form of "merchandise" deals, meaning that players receive free products to wear throughout the season. The estimated value of such products can be from $5000 to $10,000 word to the wise, establish a relationship with a brand.

Upcoming players

Players of a better caliber get cash deals to wear a specific brand or line of sneaker. The amount of money they receive is based upon a number of factors, such as age, and the market they play in. Players who play for big markets such as Los Angeles Lakers or New York Knicks will have a bump in the value of their deals. Also high lottery picks can receive a bigger amount that varies from $200,000 to $700,000 for a multi year deal. For instance generational players like Andrew Wiggins, deals can be upwards of $2 million per year. Players also receive bonuses for achieving milestones such as making an All Star team, reaching a certain amount of point per season etc.


Big name players receive big time dollars, this is what we call signature sneakers, with a players name attached. James Harden signed a $200 million dollar deal with Adidas and Lebron James has a lifetime contract with Nike. These types of contracts are actually rare, as only 10 players have deals with US sneaker companies. The ultimate goal is to be signed to an ultimate company like Jordan. Clearly we can see that everyone is allowed to be pursued by different brands. We also see that high caliber players are rewarded with big bucks from brands. Morale of the story, practice, play hard and build relationships with brands.

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