Saturday, January 9, 2016

I have 2 master degrees

(I found this on Reddit) Man I love that sight :-) enjoy guys
So i work for a communications business, lady had called in about having issues with adding a contact to her phone. Naturally, when someone says that you gotta assume they're not too tech savvy. I've been with the company a couple years now. have a degree in computer networking and I definitely know what I'm doing. This was the last call of the night for me and I'm still confused by what she was asking and why she thought it was important to tell me the person she's adding is a twin. Not real names.
Me: Hey my names Jonas, how can I help you out today?
Lady: My names Barbara. I'm having some issues adding a contact to my phone.
Me: Well I'd be more than happy to help you out. What path did you take to try to add the contact?
Lady: Well I put in the number and name and when i type it into a text it will show up but its not showing in my list of contacts. I got Minda's name in there, shes a twin, and when I type her sisters number it shows Minda's name.
Me: Ah ok. Well I'm gonna have to go to your list of contacts, they're alphabetical, scroll down to the first letter of their name and we'll see if its there.
Lady: laughs I'm not an idiot, I have 2 masters degrees!
Me: Ooh laughs just wanted to make sure that we check there first, you never know. Ok so it sounds like you got the number in there with the wrong name let's-
Lady: Ok, it sounds you like need a masters degree laughs I told you 2 times now that it wont show up in my contacts list, they're twins!
Me: (a little thrown back by that comment, but i chuckle it off) Oh, I'm sorry. Let's tap the phone icon here and type in the number you're trying to add.
Lady: Ugh are you serious? Are you not listening to me? The contact wont show up in my address book. I added it already, it's not there.
Me: Ok, Well i'm really trying to figure out exactly what's wrong here. So you're saying the contacts there but it has a different name with it?
Lady: I've told you now 3 times, I added the contact and its showing Minda. They're twins! Just get someone else to help me!
Me: Again, I'm sorry, I'm trying to help you out but I'm not exactly understanding at this point what the issue is so let me tell you what I've gathered. We are trying to add someone to your contac--
Lady: Ughhh just get me another representative to help me laughs you should look into college, it might help you out. laughs No big deal just get someone else for me k thanks.
Me: Ok Barbara, let me grab another one of my colleagues to help you out.
Lady: laughs AGAIN Thank you.
I was quite livid at this point. Why would someone with 2 masters degrees have a problem adding a contact? I huff and puffed at my desk for a min, and with supervisor approval transferred her back into my que, which is very frowned upon. This entire call was about 4 mins long and I've never felt so insulted in my life.
Edit: Thanks for all up-votes! This really did make me feel better about the whole situation. Never did figure out what she was trying to do. I will try to follow this up on Monday.
Edit 2 followup Monday: So she has talked to 3 different people since me on Thursday. Sounds like she was having a problem with the contact saving after adding it? The next rep just notated that the contacts wouldn't save, it appeared that nothing was solved and that she gave that rep a hard time as well. Called in the next day about issues with her email not loading and demanded a warranty replacement sent out without doing any troubleshooting. After that rep told her that she has to do the troubleshooting before we send out a warranty replacement she escalated above them and told that person she was going to switch carriers because we wouldn't just send her out a replacement. Some sort of discount was added for the inconvenience and they got her out a replacement after doing some brief troubleshooting. These are the type of people who waste hours of time not cooperating then complain about all the time spent with the matter. Bad people.

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