Primary operations element of Special Forces company, Special Forces Operational Detachment A, you’ve probably also heard it referred to as “A Detachment” or “A-Team” it usually consist of 12 special soldiers: 2 Officers, 10 sergeants.

All Special Forces are trained and qualified in an array of skills. They are also multi-lingual, the A-Team can operate in any area hostile or denied, due to their unlimited capabilities. They have the ability to infiltrate and exfiltrate their area by air, land, or sea. SFOD-A can also operate for an indefinite period of time in desolate locations with no support whatsoever from the outside.

While standing by A-Teams train regularly, also advice and assist other allied forces to perform special operations being directed by higher ups.
The SF company has a 6 A-Team trained in combat diving and also trained in military free fall parachuting. The two are both ways of infiltration, from here, SF commanders organize teams for specific missions.

A-Teams are equipped with communications technology, medical kits, laboratory & dental instruments. There is also resuscitator-aspirator, water-testing kits, veterinary equipment. Then the cool toys, of course the perimeter defense weapons, but also electric and non-electric demolitions and night-vision devices.

Depending on the mission certain gear is dispersed to the operators. For instance, underwater or waterborne infiltration, scuba teams are equipped with open-circuit twin 80s SCUBA tanks. closed-circuit Dragger Lar-V, Zodiac boat. Military free-fall parachuting teams use ram-air parachutes and oxygen systems.
* Structure Of Teams
The 12 man team is lead by a captain, second in command in non other than a warrant officer. Two noncommissioned officers, or NCOs, trained in all 5 areas of SF, which include: weapons, engineer, medical, communications and operations & intelligence comprise is the final area. All SF are cross trained in different areas and are also multi-lingual.
Detachment Commander
*1 per A Team
*Rank: 0-3, Captain
*First In Command. The Detachment Commander is responsible for ensuring and maintaining the operational readiness and all other aspects of the A-Team.
*1 per A Team
*Rank: 0-3, Captain
*First In Command. The Detachment Commander is responsible for ensuring and maintaining the operational readiness and all other aspects of the A-Team.
Detachment Technician
*1 per A-Team
*Rank: W0-1 & up
*He commands in the absence of the detachment commander; serves as technical and tactical authority in all aspects of Special Forces operations. Supervises all staff activities, is the psychological operations (PSYOPs) and Civil Affairs authority; has cultural, regional, and linguistic abilities; manages the mid-term and long-term planning.
*1 per A-Team
*Rank: W0-1 & up
*He commands in the absence of the detachment commander; serves as technical and tactical authority in all aspects of Special Forces operations. Supervises all staff activities, is the psychological operations (PSYOPs) and Civil Affairs authority; has cultural, regional, and linguistic abilities; manages the mid-term and long-term planning.
18 Zulu – Special Operations Sergeant
*1 per A Team
*Team Sergeant (Rank: E-8, Master Sergeant)
*The Team Sergeant is the senior enlisted man on the Team. He is responsible for overseeing all Team operations and managing all enlisted personnel on the Team.
*1 per A Team
*Team Sergeant (Rank: E-8, Master Sergeant)
*The Team Sergeant is the senior enlisted man on the Team. He is responsible for overseeing all Team operations and managing all enlisted personnel on the Team.
18 Fox – Assistant Operations Sergeant
*1 per “A Team
*O&I Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Assists the Team Sergeant in operating the Team. Plans, coordinates, and directs the A-Team’s intelligence, collection, analysis, production and dissemination. He field interrogates and processes enemy prisoners of war. He briefs and debriefs friendly patrols.
*1 per “A Team
*O&I Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Assists the Team Sergeant in operating the Team. Plans, coordinates, and directs the A-Team’s intelligence, collection, analysis, production and dissemination. He field interrogates and processes enemy prisoners of war. He briefs and debriefs friendly patrols.
18 Bravo – Special Forces Weapons Sergeant
*2 per A Team
*Weapons Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Weapons Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The weapons experts. Capable of firing and employing nearly every small arm and crew served weapon in the world; such as pistols, rifles, machine guns, mortars, anti-tank guns, and grenade launchers. They also train detachment members and indigenous combat forces in the use of these weapons. The two weapons sergeants employ conventional and unconventional tactics as tactical mission leaders. They are responsible for the tactical security of the A-Team.
*2 per A Team
*Weapons Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Weapons Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The weapons experts. Capable of firing and employing nearly every small arm and crew served weapon in the world; such as pistols, rifles, machine guns, mortars, anti-tank guns, and grenade launchers. They also train detachment members and indigenous combat forces in the use of these weapons. The two weapons sergeants employ conventional and unconventional tactics as tactical mission leaders. They are responsible for the tactical security of the A-Team.
18 Charlie – Special Forces Engineer Sergeant
*2 per A Team
*Engineer Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Engineer Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The demolitions experts. He can build as well as destroy almost any structure. The SF “Demo Man” is capable of constructing everything from an outhouse to a schoolhouse. A key player in any civic action mission.
*2 per A Team
*Engineer Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Engineer Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The demolitions experts. He can build as well as destroy almost any structure. The SF “Demo Man” is capable of constructing everything from an outhouse to a schoolhouse. A key player in any civic action mission.
*2 per A Team
*Medical Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Medical Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The life-saver. Not your average “medic”. The SF medic employs the latest in field medical technology and limited surgical procedures. He is capable of managing any battlefield trauma injury, as well as administering preventative medicine. The SF Medic is in an integral part of civic action programs in bringing medical treatment to native populations. SF medics also become “paramedics” upon completion of their SF medical training. Their capabilities include: Advanced Trauma Life Support, limited surgery, dentistry, and even veterinarian procedures.
*2 per A Team
*Medical Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Medical Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The life-saver. Not your average “medic”. The SF medic employs the latest in field medical technology and limited surgical procedures. He is capable of managing any battlefield trauma injury, as well as administering preventative medicine. The SF Medic is in an integral part of civic action programs in bringing medical treatment to native populations. SF medics also become “paramedics” upon completion of their SF medical training. Their capabilities include: Advanced Trauma Life Support, limited surgery, dentistry, and even veterinarian procedures.
*2 per A Team
*Communications Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Communications Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The “Comm Guy” – The lifeline. His responsibility is to establish and maintain communications. He employs the latest FM, multi-channel, and satellite communications devices (he also carries the heaviest rucksack on the Team). The SF Commo sergeant is an invaluable and vital part of all SF missions.
*2 per A Team
*Communications Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Communications Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The “Comm Guy” – The lifeline. His responsibility is to establish and maintain communications. He employs the latest FM, multi-channel, and satellite communications devices (he also carries the heaviest rucksack on the Team). The SF Commo sergeant is an invaluable and vital part of all SF missions.

Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

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