Saturday, January 9, 2016

General Management - Sports Franchise

The job of a general manager is to develop methods that help a team's staff and players reach the organization's goals. A sports general manager, often abbreviated GM, works to create the best team possible for the public's entertainment and establishes a networking relationship with the community. A general manager that has served with the organization for a number of years may accompany the team while traveling, but he or she spends most of the time working in the team's front office. Employment in this field has risen significantly in the past five years and is expected to surge greatly by the years 2016-17


General managers are responsible for the negotiating of player contracts, including the signing, drafting, trading, and waiving of players. They are also liable for the salaries of coaches, assistants and players along with the budget for travel, equipment, and uniform expenses. They speak at press conferences and allocate additional funds for player injury and costs incurred due to an extended season. General managers should be approachable, well-respected, have a administrative background, and demonstrate promotional skills. The average starting salary for general managers is about $75,000 roughly, but it can reach as much as $250,000 or more. While general managers work along with sports agents, their jobs are not the same. General managers ensure that their client receives the best opportunity to achieve their full potential, while sports agents focus solely on finding employment and conciliating contracts. 


General managers should have some playing and/or coaching experience at every level possible in the sport they plan to manage. Earning a degree in sports management is helpful in commencing a career as a general manager. A degree in physical education and business and some knowledge pertaining to contract law, economics, and accounting is recommended. Being able to communicate concisely and effectively along with the ability to analyze information quickly is an essential skill for general managers. To become an accomplished general manager, an individual needs years of experience working with a sports organization. Learning about the aspects of the team's daily operation is an important qualification. After completing a college education, some graduates participate in management internships with particular sports teams. Attending company seminars, conferences, and training programs will assist an aspiring general manager to know more about the organization and its expectations.

Isaac J. Hall II
Full Sail Alumni
USMC Veteran

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