Friday, January 29, 2016

Sneaker Deals

There are massive contracts in the NBA for players of great caliber. Much debate has actually taken place since there are 21 year olds making millions of dollars in their contracts. People fail to realize there are other options for players to make money as well. One way particularly would be through a sneaker deal, (brand sponsorship)

So I was able to get a bit of information pertaining to how many players are signed to certain companies see below....

Nike- 68% of players
Adidas- 16% of players
Jordan- 7% of players
Under Armour- 4%

Average players

Players who come off the bench to relieve starters even receive sneaker deals. These deals however are in a form of "merchandise" deals, meaning that players receive free products to wear throughout the season. The estimated value of such products can be from $5000 to $10,000 word to the wise, establish a relationship with a brand.

Upcoming players

Players of a better caliber get cash deals to wear a specific brand or line of sneaker. The amount of money they receive is based upon a number of factors, such as age, and the market they play in. Players who play for big markets such as Los Angeles Lakers or New York Knicks will have a bump in the value of their deals. Also high lottery picks can receive a bigger amount that varies from $200,000 to $700,000 for a multi year deal. For instance generational players like Andrew Wiggins, deals can be upwards of $2 million per year. Players also receive bonuses for achieving milestones such as making an All Star team, reaching a certain amount of point per season etc.


Big name players receive big time dollars, this is what we call signature sneakers, with a players name attached. James Harden signed a $200 million dollar deal with Adidas and Lebron James has a lifetime contract with Nike. These types of contracts are actually rare, as only 10 players have deals with US sneaker companies. The ultimate goal is to be signed to an ultimate company like Jordan. Clearly we can see that everyone is allowed to be pursued by different brands. We also see that high caliber players are rewarded with big bucks from brands. Morale of the story, practice, play hard and build relationships with brands.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

V.A. Counselors LIE

There are so many veterans, who deal with the VA Vocational Rehabilitation. Finding out that the program administrators are lying about what the program can do for veterans. Thousands upon thousands of vets apply for Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation every year, some are successful and then some are not.
There seems to be some sort of theme pertaining to Voc Rehab, by theme I mean lies… Veterans are being misled about what Voc Rehab can do for them even though there are policies that contradict what the counselor says. There has to be something going on between offices as to what excuses can be used to keep deserving disabled veterans from their benefits.
The Department of Veterans Affairs Office (DVA OIG) ordered an audit of the VR&E program in 2007. After taking a sampling survey of 80,000 veterans to find out why they never completed the program. The VR&E brags about the success rate of the program being about 75% to the U.S. Congress. However, what many don’t know is this number is much lower. The true success rate according to DVA OIG, is closer to just 18% (yeah… I know) many veterans that are qualified drop out of the VR&E before even developing an individual written rehabilitation plan. Many also drop out of the program before finishing the program.
In Corporate America, this is called “cooking books” people have went to jail and been sued for this in the past. Lucky for VR&E officials they are largely blanketed by sovereign immunity.
Liar Liar Pants On Fire
Here is a list of common lies told by Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors to deny veterans access to Chapter 31 benefits:
** If you have a job, you don’t qualify for Vocational Rehabilitation
About 42% of all disabled veterans using VR&E services are employed at the time of admittance. 35% hold jobs during their period of retraining. 28,000 veterans who used VR&E for retraining were employed at the time they entered the program.
** You cant use Vocational Rehabilitation if you are Individually Unemployable.
Veterans with a 100% disability rating can use VR&E for retraining purposes to obtain jobs, if possible… Also, veterans with are IU are also allowed to use the program. Finishing the training program does not result in a reduction of IU. Apparently, it cannot be reduced for a year following employment.
** Veterans with high disability rating usually fail to complete their training.
Veterans with a higher disability rating also have a higher likelihood of successfully completing their program. This includes veterans with VR&E ratings of “serious employment handicap.”
** Vocational Rehabilitation will not pay for graduate school.
VR&E will send people to graduate school, to include law school, medical school, dental school, and airline pilot training. It can also pay for starting small businesses and allocating more than $100,000 for the start-up, according to participating SBA Veteran Business Counselors working with the program.
** Veterans with families have a harder time completing their programs.
There is no significant effect on program success rates when comparing veterans with families to those without families. This includes a comparison between veterans relating to spouses and veterans with children.
I want to say to the counselors out there who actually help us veterans, thank you for everything that you do and we greatly appreciate you. Now for those of you who lie simply because, I think I speak for every veteran whose dealt with such things when I say FUCK YOU!!!
There will be a day of reckoning, in this life or the next, the people that you all have lied to and the lives you hurt by spreading your renegade fake counselor bullshit. As of now media outlets have began to investigate the VA, including the actions of Voc Rehab officials. To you who do harm to vets, it’s time to be on the right side of this story.
May vengeance be upon you…
Isaac J. Hall II

Monday, January 25, 2016

U.S. Special Forces Fight ISIS

There have been several reports out of Iraq that U.S. Special Forces have engaged ISIS fighters in ground combat for the first time. This all started at an Iraqi Army outpost, which was occupied by over 100 Americans and also attacked by ISIS forces. This happened at 1:00 am local time, the American forces responded quickly with light and medium weapons, supported by F-18 fighter jets.
American fighter jets directed several strikes focused on ISIS gatherings that silenced their sources of fire power. The clash between the two went over 2 hours, between 1:00 am and 3:00 am.
A commander responded by stating “the Americans were able to inflict heavy casualties on ISIS while suffering no casualties of their own while forcing the terror group back to their base which is about 20 kilometers out.
Tribal leader in the region Sheikh Mahmud Nimrawi, was relieved to see U.S. forces intervene so quickly and hopes this will not be the last of help from the U.S. he understands they acted out of self defense. The Sheikh also stated that there was progress made in the al-Dolab area, this was because ISIS took their beating and then withdrew from the area.
The United States has over 3500 service members in Iraq, with over 2700 of those aiding Iraqi security forces as trainers, advisers or even support staff. At least 100 are special forces, there also 50 U.S. special operators in Syria currently.
U.S. special operators have unique capabilities, from gathering intelligence to the ability to provide assistance or accompany local forces to the front lines. They are very much needed in this battle with ISIS terror group.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fidelis

Friday, January 22, 2016

Giving Back (NFL)

Since the 1970’s the NFL Foundation has been giving back, representing 32 NFL teams, the main focus of this group is to focus on helping the game evolve. This is done by helping in the community, as well as protecting the youth and the players.
There has been over $12.5 million to non-profit science partners in order to continue the support of NFL-Play60. Which is made to increase the wellness of our youth when playing football. Play-60 was launched in 2007 and have committed to over $300 million to various programs. One namely being fitness and health

I personally feel that the NFL takes prides in being Americas past time; therefore they will continue to preach safety and health. In order to protect the players who participate in this sport there was an agreement. Which was a five-year, $45 million commitment to USA Football in 2014 for its Heads Up Football health and safety effort.

The NFL will always go great lengths to protect the game. With such collaborations in the works the NFL has now been able to do major research, which has opened doors for other industries like military.

A four-year, $60 million collaboration with General Electric Co. and Under Armour Inc. to help launch the Head Health Initiative, which aims to improve concussion research, diagnosis, and treatment among athletes, members of the military and society.

The NFL Draft will be coming back to Chicago for another successful event, April 28-30 2016, year. They had a tremendous impact on the community, as fans got the chance to interact with the NFL. There was a crowd of over 200,000 and nearly $$44 million was made which includes hotel revenue, dinning, and sale tax.

The draft in Chicago also drew in about 8.9 million viewers, which is pretty good, according to Nielsen.  Chicago signed the deal to bring the Draft back to Grant Park and this year should be even bigger. It’s quite amazing how sports can not only give back to those who play bit also the very economy.

 Isaac J. Hall II

Friday, January 15, 2016

Saudi Aramco

Saudi Aramco confirms that it will weigh a public offering of shares in a move that could possibly be the most valuable listed company in the world. The plan would essentially help the kingdoms very constrained finances as a result of continued low prices in oil, would also be the biggest IPO (initial public offering) in stock market history.
If Aramco were to list 10% of shares, that could be upwards of $240 billion, this of course comes from analyst who valued the company to be over $2.5 trillion in total. (Yeah I know...) At this current moment Apple is the worlds most valuable company, coming in at $535 billion, prior to Apple the biggest IPO ever was a company in China called Alibaba and they were worth $25 billion.
Aramco issued a statement recently stating that it has been studying various options to allow public participation in its equity through the listing in the capital markets of an appropriate percentage of the company's shares, and the listing of a bundle which would be its downstream subsidiaries.
After the statement was issued, there was then an interview with The Economist, with the kingdom's deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, who stated that a decision on a potential flotation will indeed be made in the next few month.
"Personally I'm enthusiastic about this step," Prince Mohammed said. "I believe it is in the interest of the Saudi market, and it is in the interest of Aramco, and it is for the interest of more transparency, and to counter corruption, if any, that my be circling around Aramco."
The proposal was consistent with the kingdoms plans to privatise various parts of the economy and to deregulate various markets, said by Saudi Aramco. This process will strengthen the company’s focus on its long term vision of becoming the world’s leading energy and chemical enterprise.
Middle East economist, Jason Tuvey, with the London-based research consultancy Capital Economics, said that Saudi Aramco “could be worth anything from US$1trillion to $10tn”. (yeah I know) It's estimated that the Saudi company has oil reserves of about 260 billion barrels, (lets do some here) which would mean that on a conservative estimate of $10 per barrel, it would be worth at least $2.5 trillion.
It's highly unlikely that the government will cease control over Saudi Aramco’s operations, and if an IPO takes place the size of the stake floated would be relatively small (possibly just 5 per cent). Full privatisations of subsidiaries and downstream operations are possible, however, stated by Mr. Tuvey.
Ehsan Ul Haq, a senior oil market consultant at KBC Energy Economics, believes that Aramco itself will need to become much more transparent to attract investors. “An IPO will make the thorough auditing of Aramco necessary, which would require not only an open organisation within the company but also to let others look at its oil reserves. Some people have expressed doubts about the kingdom’s oil reserves in the past,” he said.
Despite this, he believes that an IPO would be well supported, although he also expressed doubts about how much of the company’s shares would be made available – especially to overseas corporations.
Mr Tuvey agreed. “I suspect that even with low oil prices, investors would be keen to grab a slice of what is arguably the world’s most valuable company and one of the most efficiently run firms in the kingdom,” he said.
This flotation would provide a much-needed source of income for Saudi Arabia at a time when low oil prices have played a havoc with its revenues, curtailing the speed of its diversification efforts. With the prospect of such a big IPO, investment banks and other advisers anticipate big fees. Advisers are yet to be named, there have also been speculation that HSBC and JP Morgan would be in the right position as long-standing bankers to the kingdom.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Canada Welcomes 10,000 Syrian Refugees

So Canada welcomes Syrian refugees in the amount of 10,000, the minister commented by stating "we plan on integrating those who have arrived and are currently working to bring in upwards of thousands. Originally the government pledged to bring in 25,000 refugees by 2015, that goal was later adjusted to 10,000 by the end of the year.
January 1st 2016, The Canadian Press reported that over 6,000 refugees had arrived under the Liberal commitment, in addition to the 1200 who'd been settled under the previous Conservative Government. Two weeks later the government announced that it reached a pretty significant milestone.
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship John McCallum commended the many Canadians who have helped bring over the refugees."Many people have worked day and night to bring these refugees to Canada – and Canadians have opened their communities and their hearts to welcome them," McCallum also stated. "Canada continues to set an international example with its response to the worst refugee crisis of our time."
Since coming into power, the Liberal government has worked tirelessly with the United Nations to help resettle refugees living in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Sponsors who will remain anonymous have pitched in as well as religious organizations and also cultural groups and local Canadians.
In parts of Germany on New Year's Eve there were reports of sexual assault, protests took place and the questions were raised whether western countries can integrate mass newcomers. Germany has accepted over a million refugees, Canada again only plans to bring in about 25,000, with that being said they hope to not run into the problems that Germany currently deals with.
Canada is able to carefully screen refugees and only welcome "select" newcomers, while Germany on the other hand has more-so an open-door policy towards migrants fleeing through Europe. Lets hope that they (Canada) wont regret this decision, because I think I speak for everyone when I say we'll be ready to point and say I told you so....
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

M.A.R.S.O.C Recruiting video... (Must Watch)

Marine Corps Special Operations Command
recruiting video.

This is not for the faint of heart, there is a GREAT chance that you may lose your life. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Primary operations element of Special Forces company, Special Forces Operational Detachment A, you’ve probably also heard it referred to as “A Detachment” or “A-Team” it usually consist of 12 special soldiers: 2 Officers, 10 sergeants.
All Special Forces are trained and qualified in an array of skills. They are also multi-lingual, the A-Team can operate in any area hostile or denied, due to their unlimited capabilities. They have the ability to infiltrate and exfiltrate their area by air, land, or sea. SFOD-A can also operate for an indefinite period of time in desolate locations with no support whatsoever from the outside.
016 Kosovo.jpg
While standing by A-Teams train regularly, also advice and assist other allied forces to perform special operations being directed by higher ups.
The SF company has a 6 A-Team trained in combat diving and also trained in military free fall parachuting. The two are both ways of infiltration, from here, SF commanders organize teams for specific missions.
A-Teams are equipped with communications technology, medical kits, laboratory & dental instruments. There is also resuscitator-aspirator, water-testing kits, veterinary equipment. Then the cool toys, of course the perimeter defense weapons, but also electric and non-electric demolitions and night-vision devices. 
Depending on the mission certain gear is dispersed to the operators. For instance, underwater or waterborne infiltration, scuba teams are equipped with open-circuit twin 80s SCUBA tanks. closed-circuit Dragger Lar-V, Zodiac boat. Military free-fall parachuting teams use ram-air parachutes and oxygen systems.
* Structure Of Teams
The 12 man team is lead by a captain, second in command in non other than a warrant officer. Two noncommissioned officers, or NCOs, trained in all 5 areas of SF, which include: weapons, engineer, medical, communications and operations & intelligence comprise is the final area. All SF are cross trained in different areas and are also multi-lingual.
Detachment Commander
*1 per A Team
*Rank: 0-3, Captain
*First In Command. The Detachment Commander is responsible for ensuring and maintaining the operational readiness and all other aspects of the A-Team.
Detachment Technician
*1 per  A-Team
*Rank: W0-1 & up
*He commands in the absence of the detachment commander; serves as technical and tactical authority in all aspects of Special Forces operations. Supervises all staff activities, is the psychological operations (PSYOPs) and Civil Affairs authority; has cultural, regional, and linguistic abilities; manages the mid-term and long-term planning.
18 Zulu – Special Operations Sergeant
*1 per  A Team
*Team Sergeant (Rank: E-8, Master Sergeant)
*The Team Sergeant is the senior enlisted man on the Team. He is responsible for overseeing all Team operations and managing all enlisted personnel on the Team.
18 Fox – Assistant Operations Sergeant
*1 per “A Team
*O&I Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Assists the Team Sergeant in operating the Team. Plans, coordinates, and directs the A-Team’s intelligence, collection, analysis, production and dissemination. He field interrogates and processes enemy prisoners of war. He briefs and debriefs friendly patrols.
18 Bravo – Special Forces Weapons Sergeant
*2 per A Team
*Weapons Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Weapons Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The weapons experts. Capable of firing and employing nearly every small arm and crew served weapon in the world; such as pistols, rifles, machine guns, mortars, anti-tank guns, and grenade launchers. They also train detachment members and indigenous combat forces in the use of these weapons. The two weapons sergeants employ conventional and unconventional tactics as tactical mission leaders. They are responsible for the tactical security of the A-Team.
18 Charlie – Special Forces Engineer Sergeant
*2 per A Team
*Engineer Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Engineer Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The demolitions experts. He can build as well as destroy almost any structure. The SF “Demo Man” is capable of constructing everything from an outhouse to a schoolhouse. A key player in any civic action mission.
*2 per A Team
*Medical Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Medical Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The life-saver. Not your average “medic”. The SF medic employs the latest in field medical technology and limited surgical procedures. He is capable of managing any battlefield trauma injury, as well as administering preventative medicine. The SF Medic is in an integral part of civic action programs in bringing medical treatment to native populations. SF medics also become “paramedics” upon completion of their SF medical training. Their capabilities include: Advanced Trauma Life Support, limited surgery, dentistry, and even veterinarian procedures.
*2 per A Team
*Communications Sergeant (Rank: E-7, Sergeant First Class)
*Asst. Communications Sergeant (Rank: E-6, Staff Sergeant)
The “Comm Guy” – The lifeline. His responsibility is to establish and maintain communications. He employs the latest FM, multi-channel, and satellite communications devices (he also carries the heaviest rucksack on the Team). The SF Commo sergeant is an invaluable and vital part of all SF missions.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

S.L.A.P Rounds

**Saboted Light Armor Penetrator**

The Saboted light armor penetrator or SLAP round is made for penetrating higher-level armor that normal armor-piercing rounds cannot get through. It has a polymer sabot (sometimes called a shoe) which allows the use of the tungsten carbide penetrator which is smaller than the original bore.

My Tour Afghanistan
.50 caliber SLAP round

.50 caliber SLAP ammunition was developed by the Marine Corps during the mid/late 1980s and was approved for service use in 1990 during Operation Desert Storm. It uses a reduced caliber, heavy metal (tungsten) .30 inch diameter penetrator wrapped in a “plastic” sabot or “shoe” of .50 inch diameter.

My Tour Afghanistan
.50 Caliber – On post

Since the mass of the saboted penetrator is much lighter in weight than normal ball .50 caliber ammunition, SLAP’s velocity can be significantly and safely increased in an unmodified M2 Machine Gun. This produces a very fast round with a very flat trajectory which enhances hit probability. SLAP ammunition is completely interoperable with M2 machine guns with stellite liner. It has a maximum effective range of around 1,500m.

My Tour Afghanistan
.50 Caliber/ Heavy Guns
The downside about these rounds is that the SLAP round is not compatible with some rifles because its greater length will not allow it to chamber or can cause damage to the throat. I’ve also heard stories of plastic sabot bits gumming up muzzle brakes or being blown back on spotters. The bottom line folks, before firing SLAP rounds in your rifle, know for certain that it fits your chamber and is not a hazard to fire.

Isaac J. Hall II

Full Sail Alumni
USMC Veteran

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Pro Sports GM Daily Duties

As a sports general manager, you’re the CEO, that being said, professional athletes are your employees. Your job therefore involves three P's which include -------------> people, profits, and press.
**People: It’s your job as a sports general manager to hire and supervise coaches as well as support staff, you'll recruit, trade, and dismiss players for your team. No matter the actual sport i.e. football, baseball, soccer, etc, to do this you assess your team’s strengths and weaknesses, then seek out players who meet its needs with the help of a sports talent scout. One would also recruit new players usually through an annual league-wide draft, you’re then responsible for leading and overseeing contract and salary negotiations of players drafted.
 (Ken Griffey Jr. MLB, draft day)
**Profits: You manage your team’s budget and revenues, think of the team as a product, ok so you’re hired to create/market a product that people want to buy. Although the easiest way to do that is by assembling a winning team, however, so is easier said than done. Such strategies may include stimulating ticket and merchandise sales through advertising, promotions, half-time entertainment, stadium concessions or amenities.
 (Mark Domink, Tampa Bay Buccaneers General Manager)
**Press: You explain your decisions to Sports Reporters and fans as your team’s chief Spokesperson
 (Darrelle Revis, trade from NY Jets $96 million, $13 million a year base salary, roster bonus $1.5 million, workout bonus $1.5 million. Revis salary cap will be $16 million in every year of his deal. Also Bucs will be $17.9 million under the salary cap all done by Mark Dominik above.) 
Simply put, a professional sport is both a game and a business. While professional Athletes play the former, you run the latter! Below is a small graph of the degree usually acquired by most GM's.

Full Sail Alumni
USMC Veteran