Monday, February 15, 2016


How do you find out your lifes purpose??? Is it the fact that you immerse yourself in something that you absolutely love. From there speak your ambitions and aspirations to the universe in order for them to be returned to you.
I’m not sure if that’s the way it goes. Many times throughout life there are obstacles in the way which may cause one to look at things from a different angle. 
Purpose is very unique, a phenomenon that’s so individual that honestly only you can actually know it or figure it out. Others can certainly help provide input and guidance.
One thing I’ve learned if I have not learned anything else is the fact that you don’t give up. you keep pushing, you also keep fighting in order to get where you want to be. I know it can be hard at times when you’ve applied to all of these organizations. Only to be told they appreciate your time and effort, but they're going to go with someone more suitable.
Trust me, I know those words hurt and can even leave a bruise here or there. Remember though everyone has to start somewhere. If you have to take a position that you don’t necessarily care for then do it, and know that down the line it will pay off for you. 
I know this is easier said than done... just know that this position you may have to take is not in vain. So right now I want to encourage you to release and let go of any pressure you might be feeling around the topic of purpose.
Connecting and living your purpose is a beautiful journey that typically unfolds in mysterious and surprising way. It’s not something to be forced, or something to actively worry about. I like to think of it as a treasure hunt, a perfectly paced adventure with your eyes and heart wide open.
May you find your purpose and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Isaac J. Hall II

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