Monday, February 15, 2016

Heinous Thoughts ----------> [random post here guys, bare with me]

The thought of your very existence is embarrassing. It saddens me to a high degree that you have no ambition in life to do anything productive with yourself. I mean you walk around like a zombie, roaming the earth searching for “flesh” in which you feed. We all live but many aren’t alive, in your case however there is no life in you, you’re a vessel and the interior is empty… 

I do have a question for you though, and that question is how can your spirit, be awakened if you have no desire to rise from your deep sleep of mediocrity. (Sarcastic laugh…) 

We all deal with inner battles and also feel that we cant converse with anyone because we fear that no one will understand. I can’t keep holding in such things. I wanna scream and act like Joakim Noah, you know just get all emotional, what will that accomplish???? I mean that’s what you expect right. 
So If I acted in such a way as far as cursing, and speaking in a vulgar manner would that allow us to finally come to an agreement on certain topics??. Nothing will ever change... we’ll never see eye to eye. Nor will we ever be able to sit in a fucking room, in order to cordially converse about topics that pertain to the both of us. It seems that no one can get you to alter the way you live in order to be a successful being during your time on earth.
So as you sit in this chair with your arms and legs tied with zip ties. Your body wrapped with rope and also duct tape. Your mouth filled with a rather large jaw breaker covered with duct tape. I must say I’ve never been so happy in my life. Ohh before I forget, I have a surprise for you. 
A Kimber Raptor 1911 pistol, I put the barrel directly in the center of your forehead and I look you in the eyes as tears roll down your face. Your body shakes and trembles because you now at this very moment have no control over what is about to transpire. I’m a bit shocked because there is a lump in my throat, I can feel it coming as everyone does when they are seconds from breaking down. 
Tears flow down my face, and I close my eyes, whispering to this entity that we call God. I ask that he forgive me if he really does exist. For what I’m about to do is certainly heinous. 

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