Thursday, February 18, 2016

Marijuana for Vets???

Lawmakers have written veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald. Pleading to allow VA doctors to recommend marijuana, as a potential medical treatment in states where it is legal.
There was a VA policy that expired Jan 31st. VA doctors are not allowed to discuss medical marijuana with their patients or even recommend it for treatment with veterans.
As far as senators and representative there were 19 liberals and 2 conservatives. This included Rep Joe Heck of Nevada, who is a physician and Army Reserve brigadier general. He wants a new policy that removes barriers that would interfere with doctor patient relationship. Of course in states where this is legal.
Sen Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Steve Daines and others wrote to McDonald, on Wednesday stating. “We ask that you act to ensure that our veterans access to care is not compromised and that doctors and patients are allowed to have honest discussions about treatment options.”
There have been 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana, also 17 states have laws regulating oils derived from marijuana plants.
Marijuana possession and the use thereof continues to be a crime under federal law.
A year ago, Senate Appropriations Committee passed an amendment to Veterans Affairs spending bill. This would have required VA to change its policy on physicians discussing medical marijuana with patients. In 2015 representatives sponsored a bill seeking reclassification of marijuana as a Schedule II drug. This would allow researchers to study the plant’s, effectiveness as a medicine without having to go through the long bureaucratic process.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, introduced a bill that would repeal all federal penalties for possessing and growing marijuana. (no sponsors currently)
The VA recommends that its physicians use “evidence based” practices to treat mental and physical health conditions. Such as post traumatic stress disorder, depression and pain.
There is said to be “no research” thus far in the U.S. on the effectiveness of medical marijuana. No research for relieving symptoms of PTSD or other conditions. There are however, a number of veterans groups and marijuana legalization advocates  who say it does help relieve symptoms of combat related anxiety.
In 2015 the state of Colorado gave a $2 million grant to the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. This was done to conduct research on using marijuana, to treat post traumatic stress.
Colorado health officials, voted against adding PTSD to the states list of eligible ailments for medical marijuana. Voters of the board of health said there was not enough research to support its use as an effective treatment.
Gonna be interesting to to see where this goes in the next few years. Most veterans are for medical marijuana, and many feel better taking this type of medication rather than pills. Gonna be interesting to see where this goes, stay tuned vets.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

Monday, February 15, 2016


How do you find out your lifes purpose??? Is it the fact that you immerse yourself in something that you absolutely love. From there speak your ambitions and aspirations to the universe in order for them to be returned to you.
I’m not sure if that’s the way it goes. Many times throughout life there are obstacles in the way which may cause one to look at things from a different angle. 
Purpose is very unique, a phenomenon that’s so individual that honestly only you can actually know it or figure it out. Others can certainly help provide input and guidance.
One thing I’ve learned if I have not learned anything else is the fact that you don’t give up. you keep pushing, you also keep fighting in order to get where you want to be. I know it can be hard at times when you’ve applied to all of these organizations. Only to be told they appreciate your time and effort, but they're going to go with someone more suitable.
Trust me, I know those words hurt and can even leave a bruise here or there. Remember though everyone has to start somewhere. If you have to take a position that you don’t necessarily care for then do it, and know that down the line it will pay off for you. 
I know this is easier said than done... just know that this position you may have to take is not in vain. So right now I want to encourage you to release and let go of any pressure you might be feeling around the topic of purpose.
Connecting and living your purpose is a beautiful journey that typically unfolds in mysterious and surprising way. It’s not something to be forced, or something to actively worry about. I like to think of it as a treasure hunt, a perfectly paced adventure with your eyes and heart wide open.
May you find your purpose and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Isaac J. Hall II

Heinous Thoughts ----------> [random post here guys, bare with me]

The thought of your very existence is embarrassing. It saddens me to a high degree that you have no ambition in life to do anything productive with yourself. I mean you walk around like a zombie, roaming the earth searching for “flesh” in which you feed. We all live but many aren’t alive, in your case however there is no life in you, you’re a vessel and the interior is empty… 

I do have a question for you though, and that question is how can your spirit, be awakened if you have no desire to rise from your deep sleep of mediocrity. (Sarcastic laugh…) 

We all deal with inner battles and also feel that we cant converse with anyone because we fear that no one will understand. I can’t keep holding in such things. I wanna scream and act like Joakim Noah, you know just get all emotional, what will that accomplish???? I mean that’s what you expect right. 
So If I acted in such a way as far as cursing, and speaking in a vulgar manner would that allow us to finally come to an agreement on certain topics??. Nothing will ever change... we’ll never see eye to eye. Nor will we ever be able to sit in a fucking room, in order to cordially converse about topics that pertain to the both of us. It seems that no one can get you to alter the way you live in order to be a successful being during your time on earth.
So as you sit in this chair with your arms and legs tied with zip ties. Your body wrapped with rope and also duct tape. Your mouth filled with a rather large jaw breaker covered with duct tape. I must say I’ve never been so happy in my life. Ohh before I forget, I have a surprise for you. 
A Kimber Raptor 1911 pistol, I put the barrel directly in the center of your forehead and I look you in the eyes as tears roll down your face. Your body shakes and trembles because you now at this very moment have no control over what is about to transpire. I’m a bit shocked because there is a lump in my throat, I can feel it coming as everyone does when they are seconds from breaking down. 
Tears flow down my face, and I close my eyes, whispering to this entity that we call God. I ask that he forgive me if he really does exist. For what I’m about to do is certainly heinous. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Marine Corps Crucible

The Marine Corps is known for winning battles and also making Marines. The crucible, is very much a part of that effort.
The Crucible reiterates and also emphasizes teamwork under stressful situations. There is 8 hours of sleep in a 54 hour mission. Recruits are also given 2 1/2 meals ready to eat (MREs) and they are responsible for the rationing of the food. Recruits will march 40 miles in 54 hours.
071227-M-0000A-003.jpgRecruits get tired and hungry, that is a part of the game. Recruits also realize that they have a reserve they never knew they had. Some recruits come from middle class families upper and even lower. When finishing this course its a major accomplishment no matter where you're from.
130226-m-ig884-022.jpgBeginning at 3 am with a 6 mile road march from barracks to the Crucible site. Once here gear is placed in huts as preparation for the 1st four hours of events begin. At each station which are called "warrior stations" the teams of recruits must work together in order to solve and overcome. Each station is also named after a Marine hero who the recruits learned about during certain phases.
The recruits are forced to work together. Forced to be both leaders and followers, the team also learns as they go along. In the beginning they charge through without a plan and without asking if other team members want to add anything. By the middle of the Crucible, recruits are working better together, giving advice and solving problems.
121213-F-JV248-0111.jpgThe stations are very elaborate, one is built around an enemy mined rope bridge. The recruits must cross with gear and ammunition boxes. Tricky part is they only have so much gear in order to solve the problem. During another event recruits run into firing positions and engage pop up targets with 10 rounds in 2 magazines. There is also an event in which recruits battle with pugil sticks.
2000x1333_q95.jpgFood is grabbed when time permits. After the first two events there is a 5 mile night march. Most of the time this is done at a very fast pace, visibility is low and the obstacle is very grueling mentally. Afterwards recruits hit the racks for 4 hours of sleep.
090617-m-0000l-002.jpgOnce this is done they begin the 2nd day of obstacles and get ready for a night infiltration course. From there another 4 hours of sleep, afterwards Marines will face a nine mile march to the end of the Crucible.
The march begins at 4 am and at first is done quietly. At this point the end is near... as the sun rises, the recruits cross D.I. Bridge. Once across the drill instructors begin to call cadences, they get louder and louder as recruits reach the parade deck. 
121105075133-military-eagle-globe-and-anchor-ceremony-horizontal-gallery.jpgThere is more to being a Marine than knowing how to fire a weapon. There is a whole tradition behind it, recruits are pushed to measure up to the men and women who earned it before them.
A color guard raises the flag on the memorial. The chaplain reads a prayer specifically written for the finish of the Crucible. The drill instructors present each of their recruits with the Marine Corps insignia the eagle, glob and anchor.
Drill instructors shake hands, and call them Marines, for the first time. Many accept the honor with tears rolling down their faces.
maxresdefault.jpgI remember it like yesterday, and I'll never forget it.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

Females in Marine Corps Infantry

Many feel that that the maintaining of standards for women and men in combat jobs wont last. The military will eventually be pressured into lowering the qualifications in order to allow more women to serve in Marine Corps infantry.
Gen. John Kelly, head of U.S. Southern Command, stated and strongly opposed the idea of integrating women into all combat jobs. There is also a new disagreement whether Marine Corps must integrate a 12 week program at Parris Island in South Carolina.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s order to fully integrate women into all combat jobs. Including the Marine Corps and special operations forces like Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets.
In December, Carter ordered all combat jobs open to women, but also vowed that no standards would be lowered to make way for women.
Initially the Marine Corps sought to keep infantry and combat jobs closed to women. Studies show combined-gender units are not as effective as male-only units, that was later rejected.
Jan 1, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said he wanted a plan by Jan 15 for the Marines implementing a plan for women in recruit training. He also said he wanted the integration to begin April 1.
Mabus’ memo is in review, also Gen. Robert Neller, is said to be irate about the situation and now wants to speak in a one on one meeting with Carter to discuss the matter.
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It’s said that Marine leaders don’t want women and men training together and want to determine implications of the change before going any further.
My opinion, this will ruin Marine Corps infantry forever…

Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Refugee Plan?

About a month ago, President Barrack Obama designated up to $70 million from specific funds in order to address the “urgent refugee and migration needs.”
This money is being used due to the President’s commitment of bringing 85,000 refugees from around the world to the United States. Which is up from 70,000 last year. It’s said that the money was taken from a fund in congress. This fund is specifically made for emergencies with refugees.
The intended recipients of the aid, geographic targets, and locations, are not specified. It is said however, that the money is being used to pay for up to 10,000 refugees. Including migrants coming from Iraq, Syria and others seeking humanitarian relief.
Obama said that the money is used for the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. The House Of Representatives approved legislation that called for a pause in the program. This allows refugees in the United States from Iraq and Syria and other countries. Senate has not yet acted on this.
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70 million people travel to the U.S. every year. A senior official in the white house stated that people, are vetted in a program that can at times be two years, before they are allowed in the United States. Lets hope this is for the good and these refugees, aren’t here to harm the west.
Isaac J. Hall II

Monday, February 1, 2016

V.A. Home Loan

For the majority of military borrowers, the V.A. loan represents the most powerful lending program on the market. It’s pretty great actually, no money down, and the loans have helped over 21 million military personnel, to become homeowners, since 1944.
The odd thing is there are VA borrowers who aren’t familiar with the programs benefits which are offered.001Pivotal info:
* The V.A. loan is reusable, you can use it over and over as long a you pay off the loan each time. There are also ways to obtain another VA loan even is you’ve lost one to foreclosure in the past.
* The V.A. loan is made for properties in move in ready condition. This includes single family home, condos, multi unit properties and more.
* V.A. loan is for primary residency only, you cannot use this to buy a vacation home. Or use it to purchase an investment property.
* V.A. does not issue the loan, the agency rather provides a guaranty on each qualified mortgage loan. If you have a VA entitlement, the agency typically guarantees up to a quarter of the loan amount. The guaranty gives lenders confidence and helps service members secure great terms and rates.
 * One can purchase a V.A. loan even with a bankruptcy or foreclosure. Even borrowers who have had a loan foreclosed on can still utilize their V.A. loan benefit.
* You will not have mortgage insurance. Mortgage insurance is a monthly fee that you pay with other programs when putting 20% down. The V.A. guaranty eliminates insurance premium. Which allows borrowers to save even more money each month.
* There is a mandatory fee. Due to there not being a mortgage insurance there will be a funding fee. This fee helps the VA keep the program running, and is required on both purchase and refinance. It can be added to your loan amount and waived for those with service connected disabilities.
* Limits on Co-borrowers. Some loan programs let you get a loan with just about anybody. That’s not the VA loan program. Having a co-borrower who isn’t your spouse or another veteran with VA loan entitlement who will live in the home with you will require a down payment.
* No Pre-Payment penalty. You can make payments any time you want. Saving tons of interest over the life of the loan. Just an extra $100 per month can help shave years off of your current balance.
Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility.
A veteran who doesn’t have a certificate can obtain one easily by making application on VA Form 26-1880, Request for Determination of Eligibility and Available Loan Guaranty Entitlement, to the local VA office.
Decide on home the buyer wants to buy and sign a purchase agreement.
* Order an appraisal from VA (usually done by the lender.)
Most VA regional offices offer a telephone appraisal system.
Apply to a mortgage lender for the loan.
While the appraisal is being done, the lender (mortgage company, savings and loan, bank, etc.) can be gathering credit and income information. If the lender is authorized by VA to do automatic processing, upon receipt of the VA or LAPP appraised value determination, the loan can be approved and closed without waiting for VA’s review of the credit application. For loans that must first be approved by VA, the lender will send the application to the local VA office, which will notify the lender of its decision.
* Close the loan and the buyer moves in.
Isaac J. Hall II