How we doing Hard-Chargers!! today I give light to the Polar Mission.

A call for fire is a concise message prepared by the forward observer. It contains all the information the Fire Direction Center needs to determine the method of target attack.
The call for fire is a request for fire. It must be sent quickly and be clear enough to be understood, recorded, and read back verbatim by the FDC. There are also six key elements.

Observer Identification: This element of the call for fire tells the FDC who is calling for fire.
Warning Order: The warning order clears the net for the fire mission and tells the FDC the type of mission and the type of target location that will be used.
Target Location: If the target is located by the polar plot method of target location, the observer announces Polar, for (i.e. adjust fire, Polar, Over).
Target Description: The observer must describe the target in enough detail that the FDC can determine the amount and type of ammunition to use.
Method Of Engagement: The observer may indicate how he wants to attack the target. This element consists of the type of adjustment, trajectory, ammunition, and distribution.
Method Of Fire & Control: The method of fire and control element indicates the desired manner of attacking the target, whether the observer wants to control the time of delivery of fire, and whether he can observe the target.
Now the fun part, I shall give you a transmission of a mock polar mission.

Me: Bandini, this is Charlie II, requesting fire support how copy.
FDC: Charlie II, this is Bandini, fire support, over.
ME: Enemy fighters in the open, 15-30 rebels, -Break- Grid: three, six, two, fife, one, four, over.
FDC: Roger, Charlie II, I copy 15-30 rebels, -Break- Grid: three, six, fife, one, four, over.
Me: Affirmative
FDC: Shot Out (Wait to see splash/explosion) Splash in over.
ME: Bandini adjust fire, left two zero zero, add six zero, over.
FDC: Roger, left two zero zero, add six zero, over.
ME: Affirmative, over.
FDC: Shot Out (wait for splash/explosion) Splash in over.
ME: On target, fire for effect, over.
FDC: Charlie II, rounds complete, over.
ME: Roger, stand by for BDA( Battle Damage Assessment) over, Bandini, 100% enemy dead. Log and record mission how copy.
FDC: Roger Charlie II, mission recorded, predesignated target two zero Alpha. Bandini, over.
ME: Roger, Bandini, I copy two zero alpha, Charlie II, out.

That is the basis for a Polar Mission. You have to be confident, smart and have the ability to transmit rather fast while under extreme stress and harsh conditions.
I hope this helps and if you ever have any questions PLEASE feel free to contact me.
Isaac J. Hall II
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