Prosecutors are saying a former soldier lied about injuries during deployments which resulted in a purple heart and cheated the federal government out of more than $750,000, he was originally charged in 2014.

Prosecutors are wanting a five-year prison term. Stating that Darryl Wright falsified statements from other soldiers to obtain awards. This included a combat action ribbon, purple heart from there used other benefits which includes over $40,000 in student debt which was forgiven due to disabilities.
There were applications where Wright claimed to be so disabled that he could only focus on anything for more than 10 seconds. In actuality he was a basketball coach, and had a full time federal job in Seattle Washington.
U.S. attorneys David Reese, stated that Darryl Wright created an empire based on a myth system he built. There was also argument that he obstructed justice by accusing a co-worker of violating his privacy rights. There was a discovery that he fabricated order in order to get paid for a week of skipped work.
Cristina Jackson, is responsible for uncovering the truth in this mater. She actually had to hire an employment lawyer to fight off the discipline.
Wright pleaded guilty to two counts of fraud early this year. Wright’s attorney, filed his sentencing recommendation under seal, stating it contained sensitive personal information. There are other defensive filings which suggest that Wright continues to suffer PTSD from his deployment.

Attorney said he is seeking a sentence of one year for Wright, and also that Wright was entitled to most of the benefits he received.
Veterans Affairs Department has rescinded its earlier determination that Wright should receive benefits for PTSD.
In 2010, Wright successfully applied for a Purple Heart. In his paperwork, he claimed he was involved in a rocket attack and was violently thrown and knocked unconscious from the percussion of the rockets’ impact.
Wright claimed social security disability benefits. Claiming he was bedridden, the V.A. then paid his sister to be his live in caregiver, however after a thorough investigation no such services were performed.
By May 2013, the siblings were bringing in benefits upwards of $10,000 per month. The crazy thing here is even Wright’s mother was in on the fraud. She submitted paperwork as a nurse without disclosing her relationship Wright.
Prosecutors stated that Darryl Wright sullied the reputations of people, institutions, and agencies. Worst of all, he hurt the heroes who fully deserve recognition, respect, and honor.
A mental health expert hired by the defense had suggested that Wright suffers from a condition in which he concocts his own reality and believes it is acceptable to lie or falsify documents to match that reality. Also Wrights purple heart has not been rescinded as of yet.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Kill
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