Thursday, March 17, 2016

ISIS Committing Genocide

Well, the Islamic State group is at it again, yet this time they headline for genocide. This is being done towards those whom are religious. (i.e. Christians, Yazidis, Shiite).
Secretary of State John Kerry said, this is will have little to no impact on U.S. military effort against Sunni militant groups.
Religious groups in the U.S. have put a bit of pressure on Washington for a statement about the incidents as of late. As as well as commitment to stop the such activities.
Kerry has spoken of cases in the past of slaughter by this group since 2014. He also gave credit to a multinational effort with taking back 40% of land once held by militants in Iraq. 20% in Syria, the declaration does not require U.S. to ramp up military activity against ISIS.
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The religious groups are being killed, simply because they are religious groups. Kerry said “we will do all we can to see that the perpetrators are held accountable.”
The Knights of Columbus, working with the group in Defense of Christians, issued a report detailing genocide. Urging State Departments to acknowledge them.
The group urged Kerry to take a stand. “America must end it’s silence about genocide” A nationwide television advertisement shows clips of brutal acts. These are by militants and include quotes from Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton endorsing a genocide declaration.
A spending bill was passed by congress in December. From there the State Department was given 90 days to make a determination on whether the militants were committing genocide. Thursday was the deadline.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Kerry had not made a decision and would not make a deadline.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

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