I joined because I wanted to make a difference. I joined because I wanted to challenge myself, I joined because I needed an adjustment as far as my life perspective.
(Infamous yellow footsteps)
I’m thankful for everything the Marines have given me, my confidence has grown. As well as my ability to take charge and lead others. I now think more rationally and remain calm in stressful situations.
Once I finished the crucible in Marine Corps boot camp, we hiked to our starting point. Got in formation and everyone got teary eyed… We gave our all and remained persistent in our efforts to graduate 12 weeks of intensity to say we’re U.S. Marines…
In the beginning I was a curious if I could hang. As I knew there would be an immense amount of testosterone in one place. I often wondered if I’d get my ass whooped by a drill instructor. Who didn’t like the way I looked or the way I sounded off when he ask’s me to scream.
“As time went on I begin to understand that this is a professional organization, everything that you go through is for an exact reason”.
From the way you carry your cup, for chow time, to the way you sit in indian style when cleaning your rifle. It all makes sense when you have a moment to think and see things as they are.
The jobs of the drill instructors (Kill Hats) are to break you down and build you back up,
I seen grown ass men,break down and cry, because they weren’t used to mental stress. (i.e. someone in your face using a rather high volume to get a point across)

They dare you to act out in any way shape or form. Begging and pleading for you no longer hold in your emotions. So you lash out and get physical… most are praying for this moment for the opportunity to fuck your world up….
Myself and many others in platoon 2034 actually had a ton of respect for drill instructors. They lack sleep, food, and a social life, they made a sacrifice as we have done also. They wont say it, but they are very happy and feel accomplished when they push a class to their limit. In order to graduate after 12 weeks of training, they are responsible for grooming us from recruits into marines.
During my time at Parris Island, I would sometimes say “what the hell was I thinking”. As I lay on my rack staring at the ceiling, I’d even question myself, in regards to if this was the right decision.
I counted the days by chow time, we’d rise at 04:00 am for breakfast, then 12:00 p.m. for lunch, 17:00 p.m. for dinner. By 20:00 p.m. we were in our racks. If you want it bad enough, you’ll get through it…
I wanted to say I’m a part of the few and the proud. I wanted to say I did my part as far as this war goes…
I wanted to get back at those who hurt our country, I wanted to be a part of the baddest fraternity on planet earth.
This is what pushed me to keep going, this is what pushed me to never give up. I wanted it and had tunnel vision on my goal of being a U.S. Marine. So again, I joined because I wanted to make a difference, I joined because I wanted to challenge myself, I joined because I needed an adjustment as far as my life’s perspective.

I’m in the center of this picture, as the acting team leader. David Jewell is behind me with M-4 rifle in the air. We were about to head out on our daily patrol in Sustani, Afghanistan 2011. Here we have 7 marines, 1 corpsman, 1 interpreter and 4 Afghanistan Army members. (Good times)