Thursday, March 24, 2016

Field Ops

Officer Candidate School.Screen Shot 2016-03-24 at 5.26.51 PM.png
Tuskegee Airman, celebrating the anniversary.Screen Shot 2016-03-24 at 5.27.03 PM.png
Reconnaissance Marines at rifle range.Screen Shot 2016-03-24 at 5.27.20 PM.png
Marines fast rope from MV-22 Osprey.Screen Shot 2016-03-24 at 5.21.47 PM.png
Defense Secretary Ash Carter.Screen Shot 2016-03-24 at 5.27.54 PM.png
Busy week all over the corps, enjoy your easter Marines, you deserve it.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

Monday, March 21, 2016

More Marines To Fight ISIS

The U.S. is sending additional Marines, to Iraq, following a deadly attack on a coalition base in northern Iraq.
Marines and sailors headed to Iraq, are with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit. The detachment will augment Marines and sailors already fighting ISIS.
The 26th MEU is currently deployed to the 5th fleet area of operation with the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group. More than 4000 Marines and sailors with the blue-green team have been deployed since October.
News of the Marines, headed to Iraq, comes one day after Staff Sergeant Louis Cardin, who was killed by rocket attack via ISIS militant group. Kurdish fighters, also stopped an attempted attack there in November when the terror group tried to use mortar rounds, filled with chlorine gas.

Marines Identified In ISIS Rocket Attack

Marine Corps have identified the artilleryman, killed in indirect fire attack in northen Iraq Saturday.
Staff Sergeant Louis F. Cardin, 27 years old with battalion Landing Team, 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines. He was killed 09:00 am when Islamic State group militants launched rockets on a coalition base in Makhmur. 8 other Marines were also injured.
Cardin was deployed with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, from there they were used as detachment Marines to Makhmur, to guard the base. Marines, were supporting Operation Inherent Resolve, the U.S. military campaign against ISIS.
Cardin of Temecula, California, joined the Marine Corps, in 2006 and was based at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He deployed to Iraq once and Afghanistan three times. (Salt Dog)
24 hours after the attack, the joint task force overseeing the fight against ISIS, announced it was dispatching more Marines, from 26th MEU to Iraq in order to join roughly 3700 U.S. troops already deployed to fight ISIS.
Sunday in a statement, Marine officials said that the service’s priority is to provide care to the families and loved ones of those affected by the attack. “The loss of a service member greatly affects us all. This tragedy saddens II Marine Expeditionary Force and the 26th MEU.”
Cardin’s death is the second combat death since the start of Operation Inherent Resolve.
The Makhmur base, is home to the Ninevah Operations Center, which serves as a pad for the Iraqi army. Iraqi officials announced they would deploy approximately 4500 soldiers with its 15th division for the upcoming operation.
Makhmur, was the site of an ISIS gas attack, in late August by ISIS, which sickened Kurdish troops. The attack was confirmed by U.S. military officials, after shards of mortar shells, tested positive for mustard gas.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

U.S Marine K.I.A. by rockets via ISIS

I have sad news today pertaining to our own.
A U.S. Marine, was killed while several others were injured at a Northern Iraqi base. This was after it came under heavy attack from Islamic State militants.
The Marines were providing force protection fire support at an established coalition fire base. Others are being treated for their injuries. The names of the deceased and the injured are being withheld at the moment until families are contacted and notified.
Our last American military service-member to be killed in combat was Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler who passed away in October. (Rest in Paradise & thank you)
Wheeler, was a Special Forces soldier. He was from Roland, Oklahoma, he was killed in a raid that freed 70 hostages from Islamic State makeshift prison. Wheeler was the first to die in combat in Iraq since 2011. U.S. forces withdrew after more than eight years of battle there.
This will be the second combat death since the start of Operation Inherent Resolve. I think it allows everyone to realize the reality of this business. As well as the risk men and women take on the daily in uniform.
Thank you to all who serve.
Isaac J Hall II
Semper Fi

Social Media sites for @EarthlingsAtTheirFinest

Blogger community, hope you all are doing well. If any of you would ever like to connect outside of Blogger please feel free to do so.

I/we would love to get to know you all a bit better.





About me:

Thursday, March 17, 2016

ISIS Committing Genocide

Well, the Islamic State group is at it again, yet this time they headline for genocide. This is being done towards those whom are religious. (i.e. Christians, Yazidis, Shiite).
Secretary of State John Kerry said, this is will have little to no impact on U.S. military effort against Sunni militant groups.
Religious groups in the U.S. have put a bit of pressure on Washington for a statement about the incidents as of late. As as well as commitment to stop the such activities.
Kerry has spoken of cases in the past of slaughter by this group since 2014. He also gave credit to a multinational effort with taking back 40% of land once held by militants in Iraq. 20% in Syria, the declaration does not require U.S. to ramp up military activity against ISIS.
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The religious groups are being killed, simply because they are religious groups. Kerry said “we will do all we can to see that the perpetrators are held accountable.”
The Knights of Columbus, working with the group in Defense of Christians, issued a report detailing genocide. Urging State Departments to acknowledge them.
The group urged Kerry to take a stand. “America must end it’s silence about genocide” A nationwide television advertisement shows clips of brutal acts. These are by militants and include quotes from Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton endorsing a genocide declaration.
A spending bill was passed by congress in December. From there the State Department was given 90 days to make a determination on whether the militants were committing genocide. Thursday was the deadline.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Kerry had not made a decision and would not make a deadline.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi


Women Airforce Pilots
Members of the Women Airforce Service Pilots are seen on a runway in Laredo, Texas, in 1944.
Thank you for your service ladies!
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Why I Joined

I joined because I wanted to make a difference. I joined because I wanted to challenge myself, I joined because I needed an adjustment as far as my life perspective.
(Infamous yellow footsteps)
I’m thankful for everything the Marines have given me, my confidence has grown. As well as my ability to take charge and lead others. I now think more rationally and remain calm in stressful situations.
Once I finished the crucible in Marine Corps boot camp, we hiked to our starting point. Got in formation and everyone got teary eyed… We gave our all and remained persistent in our efforts to graduate 12 weeks of intensity to say we’re U.S. Marines…
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In the beginning I was a curious if I could hang. As I knew there would be an immense amount of testosterone in one place. I often wondered if I’d get my ass whooped by a drill instructor. Who didn’t like the way I looked or the way I sounded off when he ask’s me to scream.
“As time went on I begin to understand that this is a professional organization, everything that you go through is for an exact reason”.
From the way you carry your cup, for chow time, to the way you sit in indian style when cleaning your rifle. It all makes sense when you have a moment to think and see things as they are.
The jobs of the drill instructors (Kill Hats) are to break you down and build you back up,
I seen grown ass men,break down and cry, because they weren’t used to mental stress. (i.e. someone in your face using a rather high volume to get a point across)
eUN4dd8 They dare you to act out in any way shape or form. Begging and pleading for you no longer hold in your emotions. So you lash out and get physical… most are praying for this moment for the opportunity to fuck your world up….
Myself and many others in platoon 2034 actually had a ton of respect for drill instructors. They lack sleep, food, and a social life, they made a sacrifice as we have done also. They wont say it, but they are very happy and feel accomplished when they push a class to their limit. In order to graduate after 12 weeks of training, they are responsible for grooming us from recruits into marines.
During my time at Parris Island, I would sometimes say “what the hell was I thinking”. As I lay on my rack staring at the ceiling, I’d even question myself, in regards to if this was the right decision.
I counted the days by chow time, we’d rise at 04:00 am for breakfast, then 12:00 p.m. for lunch, 17:00 p.m. for dinner. By 20:00 p.m. we were in our racks. If you want it bad enough, you’ll get through it…
I wanted to say I’m a part of the few and the proud. I wanted to say I did my part as far as this war goes…
I wanted to get back at those who hurt our country, I wanted to be a part of the baddest fraternity on planet earth.
This is what pushed me to keep going, this is what pushed me to never give up. I wanted it and had tunnel vision on my goal of being a U.S. Marine. So again, I joined because I wanted to make a difference, I joined because I wanted to challenge myself, I joined because I needed an adjustment as far as my life’s perspective.
 I’m in the center of this picture, as the acting team leader. David Jewell is behind me with M-4 rifle in the air. We were about to head out on our daily patrol in Sustani, Afghanistan 2011. Here we have 7 marines, 1 corpsman, 1 interpreter and 4 Afghanistan Army members. (Good times)

Moving Targets @ Marine Corps Annual Rifle Range

Good day folks!
So how about U.S. Marines, will soon have moving targets to engage on their annual rifle range qualifications.
Marine Corps Combat Development and Integration tasked Weapons Training Battalion to develop a new training program. This would be held at the Combat Marksmanship Symposium, which is held in Quantico, Virginia.
The new course of fire will formalize the training standard at live fire ranges, and indoor simulators.
Marines, have noted over the years that they've had problems hitting moving targets successfully, said Col. Tim Parker commander of weapons training battalion.
"We've also learned that Marines, can be very effective at hitting moving targets, however, this is only if they are trained to do so. "We'd like to see every single Marine, on an annual basis qualify to this."
There are 6 other firing tables, that currently guide Corps' marksmanship. The new table however, will provide a minimum standard course of fire that Marines, train in order to be proficient shooters. WTBN is to develop a training program that can be implemented at all ranges across the force.
These state-of-the-art platforms are proving to be very successful in challenging Marines, to accurately and consistently strike targets on the move.
Autonomous Robotic Human Type Targets, make their way off a firing range at Camp Pendleton. They have GPS and sensors on the front, targets are able to navigate the range, on command and correct their own paths to avoid obstacles. 
“Robots are great, but is that what we need?” said Parker. “I love robots, but this will have to be something we can afford for the entire Marine Corps.”
As of now the search is on to find more cost effective moving targets for ranges. WTBN is ecstatic to get the standard established in order for Marines, to begin training.
I'm a 3rd award expert on the rifle range, this is with iron sights, and non-moving targets. I'm more than positive that any infantry Marine, can strike a moving target accurately.
Be well...
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Attn: Central Florida Veterans

Good day everyone, hope your week is going well. I got some pretty exciting news for you central florida vets.
Governor Rick Scott, will be in Winter Haven, Fl. At the Florida National Guard Armory, March 22nd 2016 (next Tuesday) at 3:00 p.m.. Scott, will be rewarding veterans, of all ages. Who have been honorably discharged from the military with the Governors veterans service award.EP-140819908.jpg
It’ll behoove of you to RSVP quickly, as this will fill fast.
What you need:
Military identification card, DD-214, VA identification card.
Honorable discharged veterans are all welcome to attend this event. Also wearing of veteran-related head gear is encouraged.
Please go to —–> in order to reserve your spot.
RSVP Code:032216
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I’ll see you guys there, be well.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

Friday, March 4, 2016

WOMEN in INFANTRY official this FALL

The military has began to recruit women for combat jobs. Navy SEALs, Army and Marine Corps will allow females into infantry by this fall. This is of course according to the plans by Defense Secretary Ash Carter.
Many within the branches of the military feel that it will be a small number of women that will volunteer or make it through training courses. The Marine Corps estimates that about 200 women a year will move into ground combat jobs. U.S. Special Operations Command also expects a small number of volunteers.
The Navy is collecting submission package as we speak, from prospective SEAL candidates. They could see women in entry level enlisted and officer training by fall.
All branches have said to have made the required changes to base bathrooms and other facilities. They will also monitor training, injury assessments and of course sexual harassment or assault problems.
Carter is expected to sign a memo in the coming days telling the military in a whole to begin executing the plans next month. This will be ground breaking and also historical for military women.
Army and Marine Corps generals, spoke with senators, last month. It will take up to three years to fully integrate women into combat jobs. They also reiterated the fact that they will not lower their standards or bow to the pressure of quotas to get more women into the very grueling infantry jobs.
December of last year Carter ordered all jobs to be open to women. The Marine Corps initially sought to keep certain infantry jobs closed to women. This is due to studies showing combined gender units are not as effective as male only units. Carter rejected the proposal.
The Marine Corps, stated having about 200 women, moving into combat jobs per year would mean they make up 2 percent of the Marines, in those occupations. As of now no women have made it through Marine infantry officer course. It is recognized that there will be small number, services are prepared to handle such situations.
1 year ago female Marines participated in a task force studying the impact of women in combat jobs. Women who were in the program can transfer to combat jobs immediately being the training has been completed. A few female Marines, have expressed interest however, none have transferred.
The Army, will assign officers, to jobs in infantry. Gradually bringing in female enlisted soldiers. Officers will begin training in June, and most likely will be done (graduated) by fall. Females wouldn’t begin to move into ground units until May of 2017.
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The Air Force, will not assign women to combat groups or units, it will follow routine procedures. Most male only units are in the Army and Marine Corps, only a few Navy and Air Force units exclude women. Those are special operations related jobs.
Enduring Freedom
Military services plan to carefully evaluate recruits. This includes new types of testing, that helps predict whether man or woman, has the ability to meet the difficult physical demands of combat jobs. Plans are also in affect to regularly collect injury data which will help guide training and other changes.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi