Friday, September 23, 2016

Hacker sentenced to 20 years...

Good day everyone, I sincerely hope you all are enjoying your day as we wrap up the week. So how bout we have ourselves a “computer hacker” who decided it was smart to help the Islamic State. The schmuck fuck provided over 1000 names of U.S. government and military workers as targets. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison… ;-)
Defense lawyers argued the fact that Ardit Ferizi, is just a kid and he met no harm whatsoever. They also stated he’s not a true supporter of the Islamic State.
Elizabeth Mullin, stated, "He was a nonsensical, misguided teenager who didn’t know what he was doing," “He’s never embraced ISIS ideology”
(Yeah, sure he didn’t Elizabeth…)
Let’s talk about this kid for a second here, first off he’s 20 years young. Also a native of Kosovo, and was arrested in Malaysia last year. He was also the first person to be convicted in the U.S. of both hacking and terrorism charges. The kid admitted to hacking the private company and from there pulling out names, emails, and phone numbers of over 1300 people.
Later the Islamic State published the names and revealed a threat attack…
Ferizi, had a bit of a hard time explaining himself as far as why he did what he did. He only replied by stating it happened very quickly and that he felt bad for scaring innocent people.
Prosecutors asked for the maximum sentence of 25 years. 
Before Ferizi, turned over names to the "Islamic State Hacking Division", he operated a website which was devoted to propaganda of the Islamic State.
Ferizi, had conversations defending the Islamic State, when he decided to give the 1,300 identities to the Islamic State. He very well knew he was placing innocent people in the crosshairs of terrorist. Prosecutor Van Grack, continued to argue that the list was indeed a hit-list. The point was to find and strike the individuals.
Grack, quoted a letter from a victim who said she has an easily identifiable name and is now nervous when around Muslims. Something she also feels bad about... This is what really made the court room so quiet that you could hear the kid, sniffling as he was crying to himself.
Prosecutor Van Grack, read another letter and terror case in northern Virginia. Harris Qamar, staked out at two of the addresses of people on the list who lived near him in the town of Burke. With intentions to do bodily harm…
So far however, no-one on the list has been harmed, also most of the information Ferizi, helped disseminate was already publicly available. 

From here they wanted to evoke emotion by stating he had a difficult life raised as a muslim. As he was 4 years old when NATO, dropped airstrikes and forced Serbian forces to withdraw.
We’re also told by specific source who shall remain nameless that Ferizi, previously had issues from hacking into a Kosovar government database but he avoided jail time. He then went to Malaysia, in order to study cyber security, however, he continued with hacking activities.
Word is, he was trying to expose online pedophiles, when he met an Islamic State recruiter. Always remember there are repercussions for your actions when you decide to commit a crime but especially of this magnitude.
Have fun in prison kid, this is what happens when you fuck with Americans, Ohhhh and word of advice…
Isaac J. Hall II

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

BattleSight Zero your rifles

Well good day everyone, today we’ll discuss how to battle-sight zero your M16 or M4 carbine rifles. In order for the rifleman to develop skills that enable them to become combat effective. It is essential for the shooter to know how to zero their service rifle. Zeroing is the adjusting of the elevation and windage on the service rifle to cause the shots to impact where the shooter aims.
Zeroing compensates for the effects of weather and other external influences upon where the bullet impacts.

Point of Aim Point of Impact
To accurately engage targets, the strike of the bullet must coincide with the aiming point (Point of aim/point of impact) on the target. This must be done while compensating for the effects of weather and the range to the target. This is accomplished by adjusting the sights on your rifle to achieve point of aim/point of impact.
This process is called zeroing and it is the basic and most critical element of accurate target engagement. Along with a solid understanding of marksmanship fundamentals. One can’t work with out the other to place a shot or shot group in the center of the target at any given distance.
Elements of Zeroing
In order for shooters to understand the zeroing process there are particular elements that must be accounted for.
Line of Sight: Line of sight is a straight-line beginning at the center of the eye. It passes through the center of the rear sight aperture. It continues across the tip of the front sight post to the exact point of aim on the target.
Aiming Point: The aiming point is the precise point where the tip of the front sight post is placed in relation to the target.
Centerline of the Bore: Centerline of the bore is an imaginary straight-line beginning at the chamber end of the barrel. It proceeds out of the muzzle and continues indefinitely.
Trajectory: A bullet does not follow a straight line to the target. Instead, a bullet travels in a curved path, or arc, which is called the bullet trajectory.
Earths Gravity: This trajectory occurs because of the earth’s gravity, which pulls the bullet down toward the ground as soon as the bullet leaves the rifle’s barrel. The rate of this curvature increases as the bullet’s speed decreases.
Compensating for Gravity: To compensate for this affect (so that the bullet will impact the target), the muzzle of the rifle must be elevated. This is accomplished by applying elevation to the rifle sights. The greater the distance to the target, the higher the bullet’s trajectory must be to impact with the target. Therefore, the greater the distance to the target, the greater the elevation that must be applied to the sights to engage the target from that distance.
Types of Zeroes:
Battlesight Zero (BZO): A BZO is the elevation and windage settings required to place a single shot, or the center of a shot group, in the center of a target at 300 yards under ideal weather conditions.
A BZO is the sight settings placed on your rifle for combat, in combat, your rifle’s BZO setting will enable engagement of point targets from 0 – 300 yards in no wind condition. 8/3 is the rear sight elevation setting for the M-16 BZO. 6/3 is the rear sight elevation knob setting for the M-16 & M-4 Carbine.
Zero: A zero is the elevation and windage settings required to place a single shot, or the center of a shot group, in center of the target at a specific range, from a specific firing position, under specific weather conditions.
True Zero: A true zero is the elevation and windage settings required to place a single shot, or the center of a shot group, in the center of a target at a specific range other than 300 yards. This is also from a specific firing position, under ideal weather conditions.
Sighting System:
The sighting system of the service carbine consists of a front sight post, a rear sight aperture with windage knob, and a rear sight elevation knob. Moving each of these sights one graduation or notch is referred to as moving one “click” on the sight system.
Front Sight: The front sight consists of a square, rotating sight post with a four-position, spring-loaded detent. The front sight post is moved up or down when zeroing the rifle for elevation. Depress the detent and rotate the post to adjust for elevation up or down.
Moving Front Sight Post: To raise the strike of the bullet, rotate the post clockwise (in the direction of the arrow marked UP) or to the right. When rotated clockwise, the front sight post moves down into the front sight housing. It causes the shooter to raise the weapon’s muzzle weapon to realign the tip of the front sight post in the center of the rear sight aperture. To lower the strike of the bullet, rotate the post counterclockwise or to the left. When rotated counterclockwise, the front sight post moves up and out of the front sight housing. It causes the shooter to lower the weapon’s muzzle to realign the front sight post tip in the rear sight aperture’s center.
Rear Sight: The rear sight consists of two sights. Rear sight elevation knob, and a rear sight windage knob.
Rear Sight Elevation: The rear sight elevation knob is used to move the strike of the round up or down, and to adjust for elevation or range to the target. The knob has an index on the left side which indicates the settings for a specific range to target. To adjust for elevation or range rotate the knob so the desired setting is aligned with the index on the left side of the receiver. Each number on the knob represents a distance from the target in 100 yard increments.
Rear Sight Windage: The rear sight windage knob is used to move the strike of the round left or right. To move the strike of the round right, rotate the knob clockwise (in the direction of the arrow). To move the strike of the round left, rotate the knob counterclockwise.
Rear Sight Aperture: The rear sight aperture consists of two separate sights. One aperture is for normal range and the other aperture is for short range limited visibility engagement.
The normal range aperture is unmarked and is used for zeroing and in most firing situations. The limited visibility aperture is the larger aperture. It may be used for engagement of targets closer than 200 yards, and target engagement during limited visibility, or when a greater field of view is desired.
Zeroing carbine rifle:
Zeroing at 300 yards: Zeroing is conducted at a range of 300 yards. The rifle’s sights must be adjusted so the bullet’s trajectory and line of sight intersect at a range of 300 yards. Zeroing at 300 yards accomplishes this.
Establishing Initial Sight Settings: To begin the zeroing process the rifle sights are placed on a known BZO previously established or on initial sight settings.
Front Sight Post: To set the front sight post to initial sight setting, depress the front sight detent and rotate the front sight post until the base of the front sight post is flush with the front sight housing.
Rear Sight Elevation Knob:
M-16: Rotate the rear sight elevation knob counterclockwise until the rear sight assembly is bottomed out. Rotate the rear sight elevation knob clockwise until the number 8/3 aligns with the index mark located on the left side of the upper receiver.
M-16 & M4 Carbine: Rotate the rear sight elevation knob counterclockwise until the rear sight assembly is bottomed out. Rotate the rear sight elevation knob clockwise until the number 6/3 aligns with the index mark located on the left side of the upper receiver.
Windage Knob: To set the windage knob to initial sight setting, rotate the windage knob until the index line located on the top of the large rear sight aperture aligns with the centerline on the windage index scale located on the moveable base of the rear sight assembly.
Proper steps to Zeroing Rifle:
Fire 3 Round Shot Group: When the target appears shooters will fire a well aimed 3 round shot group in a time limit of one minute.
Mark the Target: The target will be lowered to the pits and marked indicating shooters 3-shot group.
Plot the Group: When the target is raised from the pits, ensure shooters plot the 3-shot group.
Triangulate the Shot Group: Triangulate shooters shot group by drawing a line to form a triangle connecting all 3 shots. Locate the center of the triangle and make elevation and windage adjustment recommendations to shooters.
Fire 2nd 3 Shot Group: When the target appears shooters will fire a 3-shot group in a time limit of one minute.
Mark the Target: The target will be lowered to the pits and marked indicating shooters 3-shot group.
Plot the Group: When the target is raised from the pits, ensure shooters plot the 3-shot group.
Triangulate the Shot Group: Triangulate your shooters shot group by drawing a line to form a triangle connecting all 3 shots. Locate the center of the triangle and make elevation and windage adjustment recommendations to shooters.
Fire 4 Shot Group: When the target appears shooters will fire a well aimed 4-shot group in a time limit of one minute. This last group is to confirm the sight adjustments that were made.
Final Steps: Once shooters have confirmed their adjustments and have their sight settings, there needs to be an adjustment determined for wind (if present) and taken off the sight settings. This setting becomes the zero setting for the rifle, and must be recorded in your shooters data books.
These are the proper steps in order to BZO your rifle. Any questions please feel free to contact me.marines_and_sailors_bzo_their_weapons_on_fob_nolay_120720-m-vh365-072
Isaac J. Hall II

Friday, September 16, 2016

Current Events [Rant or Something] -DJ

I don’t really know where to start but I will tell you this: I want to talk about the National Anthem and the most recent Police shooting of 13 year old, Tryee King.  Also, this is not about black, white, Asian, Latino or any other race, nation or creed. I don’t give a shit what you are or look like as long as you’re a decent human being.
I suppose I’ll start with the latter as it is the cause of protest of the National Anthem.  As reported by media outlets, liberal and conservative alike, 13 year old Tyree King was shot and killed by a Police Officer in Columbus, Ohio.  So as I sit on Twitter looking through the hashtags and comments associated with them, I become more and more perplexed about people who just completely ignore FACTS.  Like I say in the title, this is more of a rant than a structured thought, so please bear with me.  Police responded to a man’s call that he had just been robbed at gun point but was not hurt.  The Officers encountered a group of 3 that fit the descriptions given by the man. 2 of these people ran and Police gave pursuit.  During this chase one of the suspects pulled a gun out of their waistband.  A cop shot this suspect.  In my experience I would’ve done the exact same thing. That gun turned out to be a BB gun. Now regardless of what kind of gun this was. At that moment in time there is NO WAY to tell this, especially from a distance.  Here a photo of the BB gun. Next to a S&W M&P .40
Now these two weapons are very similar looking. And make no mistake about it a BB gun is still a GUN.  I have a concealed carry license and I carry almost daily.  If someone pulled a BB gun on me that looked like this, I am putting them down: no questions.
On Twitter I read another comment that said “He could’ve taken a shoulder shot.”  Now let me explain to you how dumb this is.  In any line of duty where you carry a weapon and put your life in danger; if there is a legitimate threat you will ALWAYS shoot to incapacitate.  Incapacitation shots can go to the head, the chest (center mass), or the pelvic girdle.  The fact is even if you hit these areas it still might not stop the bad guy.  With that being said, even if a shooter is good enough to aim and hit the shoulder where they want, it probably isn’t stopping said bad guy from shooting back.
Ok, so there’s that. So these types of shootings keep happening and people cry out that everything is “tragic.” Indeed it is tragic. It’s tragic that a 13 year old kid lost his life, surely.  What’s more tragic is no one is teaching these kids that you can earn a dollar rather than stealing from others. It’s tragic that no one told these kids that you DON’T POINT A GUN AT A POLICE OFFICER, regardless of whether it’s a BB gun or not. That’s just stupid. It’s tragic that a Police Officer is made out to be a bad person because he did what ANYONE in that situation would’ve done. People can Monday morning quarterback this cop until his dying days but the fact remains he was faced with a decision and he made it. That BB gun could have easily been gun with a higher caliber projectile.
Before anyone starts trying to come at me for this, let me say: I DO NOT THINK ALL OFFICERS ARE PERFECT.  What I do think is there are a whole lot more GOOD ones than bad ones.  The media doesn’t show you all the good things Police Officers do for people in their communities. So I will post a few I have seen.

Here’s some Officers playing football with kids in Chicago.
Here a Trenton, N.J. Officer hosts a pool party for his community.
These are just a few examples…

MAN! What a rant, huh? Ok on to the next one.  Let’s talk National Anthem and the American flag.

The Star Spangled Banner is the song of out country about the flag of our country.  Played before at all Military events, American sports games and a plethora of other times.  This song and the flag represent the most free nation of people in the world.  In my last post I wrote that I went and fought for American’s rights to be douches and I still stand by that sentiment now. This doesn’t mean that I agree with the people who are kneeling during the Anthem at sporting events. Because I def don’t. And I will tell you exactly why I don’t.   This flag of ours means so much to so many people that I find it kind of funny that these people would disrespect the very thing that represents their right to do so. America is a young nation that has been through a lot. One thing that stands out to me the most is World War 2.  This was literally a war for the future of the world. America did it’s best to stay out of it until December 7th, 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.  After this, President Franklin Roosevelt made the decision to sent our Nation into this war.  Men and women were sent to all fronts of the war, most notably France and Japan.
|||Before I go on I want to point something out. For people who don’t realize the significance of this war here is some food for thought.  If American and the allied powers didn’t prevail in this war, the world would be a much different place and Americans very likely wouldn’t have the rights that they have today. On top of that there is a VERY big chance we would be speaking either German or Japanese. Seriously, just think about this for a second. Let it sink in. |||
Now Marines and Soldiers alike were fighting all around the World.  The fighting was tough everywhere. We know through documentation and anecdotes that the fighting in Japan was vicious.  At the Battle of Iwo-Jima Marines were suffering heavy losses. In fact this is the only battle in which the Marine Corps had more casualties than the Japanese, 26,000 in all. Morale was low and most Marines expected to die.  This was until one significant historical event. 5 Marines and a Corpsman (Though it is recently being disputed that the Corpsman was mistaken and it was indeed another Marine) raised a flag a top Mt. Suribachi after a tense battle. Once the other Marines around the island saw this flag it immediately filled them with hope and they eventually beat down the Japanese defense. A fun fact is that 2 different flags were raised a top Mt. Suribachi. After the initial flag, Marines were ordered to put an even BIGGER flag up and they did.
Then once again on September 11th, 2001 our country was attacked again.  The flag was again used a symbol of solidarity people across the country used the flag in solidarity and went to NYC to try to save American lives. Flags were flown daily from cranes. A practice a lot of construction companies practice at the end of their work day.
The Marine Corps Drill and Flag Manual states ” The National flag represents the living country and is considered as a living thing, the union being the honor point.”  For me every time I hear the National Anthem being played, or sung all of these things including my own experiences overseas crosses my mind and I get the chills. It is amazing to me what the flag represents. Freedom for all, the blood shed by countless Americans, the amazing attacks this nation has overcome and so much more.
So when I see someone such as CK that doesn’t want to stand for the anthem and honor the flag and other Americans that died for his rights, yeah, it bothers me. Neither him or any other player in professional sports is oppressed, by any means. Furthermore it is wildly laughable to me that CK can stand at a podium talking about oppression while wearing a shirt of a dictator that BANNED the complaining of racism. I’m talking about none other than Fidel Castro. That’s right. This guy is so dumb he wore this shirt to an “anti-oppression” press-conference. dumbass
I’ll end with this. My platoon was full of all colors and types of people. I fucking loved each and everyone one of them. Here is a photo of Me and some of my platoon. They will always be my friends regardless of the color of their skin. flag
Here we have a black man, a Mexican, a Cuban, a Somoan and some white dudes that all loved each other and the flag of their country and would have gladly died for both and YOU. – DJ

Thursday, September 8, 2016

New Appointed Minster Of War

Good day, so we’ve got word that a 41 year old Gulmurod Khalimov, is now named the minister of war. He’s supposedly trained a bit with US special arms as he was headed for Tajikistan for special forces police.
There is now a $3 million bounty on the man dubbed “The Tajik” who has become one of the worlds most wanted men.
Khalimov, replaces the very infamous jihadi Tarhan Batirashvili, who was referred to as “Omar the Chechen” he rose through the ranks before being killed during a U.S. airstrike in July.
An anonymous source stated “The Tajik Golmurud Khalimov, was elected as the first military commander in ISIS, the organization didn’t announce due to fears that once mentioned there might be a series of airstrikes.”
Khalimov, is a dad of eight and became radicalized recently and joined the Islamic State last year after disappearing while still chief of Tajikistan’s special police force.
Weeks later, he resurfaced in an ISIS video in which he pledged to carry out jihadist attacks against Tajikistan, Russia and the US.
During his 10-minute tangent, Khalimov, said he attended numerous counter-terrorism training courses in the US and Tajikistan between 2003 and 2014.
The State Department’s Diplomatic Security/Anti-Terrorism Assistance program organized the courses, which were also taught by a private US military company.
In the video, Khalimov, bragged that he received military training in Russia, while Tajikistan’s police chief.
His second wife, who is an ex-press secretary for Tajikistan’s customs service, is by his side and is also wanted by authorities.
A Red Notice for his arrest and extradition to Tajikistan, where he is being sought for treason.
In Deir Ezzor, the jihadis film themselves sexually assaulting kids sent to the battlefield to shame them into staying and fighting. The children who are sent to the warfronts are again raped by adult terrorists in order to prevent them from fleeing the battlefields. The depraved rebels then threaten to release the footage and videos to stop the children from fleeing.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Kill