Monday, July 25, 2016

Comparing Marine Corps Elite Forces

Good day everyone, so today we’re comparing elite forces within the Marine Corps. When doing so it comes down to the command which they fall under. Also the assignments and missions that are given.
When Marine Corps Reconnaissance Battalions, deploy they report to Ground Combat Element of the Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF).
Recon Marines
So they’ll support operations being conducted by the GCE, which consists of conventional infantry Marines and their support assets.  Example here—->> Colonel wants to send a rifle company into a village in order to search for a High Value Target. Prior to these events a Marine Recon team will get eyes on the target and identify landing zones. From there Marine line company sweep the area and secure.
Force Recon
Force Recon is a bit different. Force Reconnaissance are organic to the command element of Marine Expeditionary Force. So rather than working with line companies, they conduct deep reconnaissance to aid MEF in larger scale operations.
Force Recon is also direct action capability. Meaning they can serve as an in-extremis force for the MAGTF Commander.
Maritime Raid Force is responsible for high-speed, special operations such as snatch and grabs, global most wanted’s that sort of thing.
Force Battalion Recon
Due to the diverse responsibilities these Marines are required to hold a few more qualifications than their Battalion Recon brothers. Qualifications such as airborne, CQB training and an extreme amount of amphibious operations.
MARSOC (Marine Raiders) they belong to the Marine Corps, however, they’re also component command of US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Who also have authority over the Navy’s SEAL Teams, Army’s Special Forces Groups and the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Recon and Force Reconnaissance support Marine operations. While MARSOC on the other hand supports operations given to them by USSOCOM or the theater commander.
Raider Battalion is deployed to Africa as a Joint Special Operations Task Force (J-SOTF). From there the battalion is at the disposal of the Combatant Commander for AFRICOM.
They run any form of special operations missions. This is from Direct Action to Special Reconnaissance. It all depends on the needs of the Combatant Commander.
Recon Battalions require an MOS of 0321 this is obtained through Basic Reconnaissance Course.
Force Recon requires 0326 SCUBA and Parachute Qualified. Schools include BRC, Army Airborne, Marine Corps Combatant Diver Course and a TON of other course.
Mountain Warfare, Scout Sniper, High Altitude Parachuting. I mean the training these guys endure can be a post of its own.
Respect, you guys are what we considers BAMS
(Bad Ass Motherfuckers)
Isaac J. Hall II

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Comparing U.S. Marines & U.S. Army

The United States Marine Corps is only quasi-independent from the US Navy because its historic operations. Which were/are different than the Army.

The US Marines have an oceanic duty, rooted in its history of serving aboard US Navy ships. Thus acting as warrior-protectors of those ships, invaders of other ships and landing crews to destroy or temporarily occupy enemy nations.

Over time many have felt that the roles and operations of the Marines are similar to those of the US Army. They’re actually quite different in terms of missions.
To be frank here, the US Marine Corps is designed to dismantle and annihilate enemies. Its training is far more difficult, its brotherhood is based on being deadly…
Now c’mon, this doesn’t mean we’re warmongering corsairs, however, the entire mysticism of the USMC is about striking fear into the enemies. This is done by being so fucking got-damn overwhelmingly deadly that the mere pretense of the USMC would end a battle before fighting begins.(respect)

I’m sure this comes off a bit offensive to the US Army. People forget that the goal of the US Army is very much like the Marines. EXCEPT the Army employs logistical, surgeons and a LOT of other people. (very big branch here)
They carry out nation building and larger political missions. The Marines see itself as a branch of deadly warriors ready to drop what they are doing and destroy at any minute. No matter the individual, Marines are always prepared to pick up a rifle and fight.

**The training is grueling, painful, and very emotional. It is intentionally the hardest basic training in the USA and for obvious reasons.

  The Army’s larger logistical and political mission make it a far more diverse military branch. It has supreme fighters as well I mean lets not forget about the Rangers, Asymmetric-Warfare Group, Special Forces. Ohh and then they’re these bad asses who call themselves Delta Force.

We completely respect our brothers from the Army branch. They’ve done great things throughout history I’m merely just mapping out a few differences between us and them.


Isaac J. Hall II

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Hola everyone,:)
So the Marine Corps, has sent a team of security guards from the Corps’ embassy reinforcement team to the U.S. Embassy in Juba, South Sudan. (should be interesting)
MSAU trainingMSAU training
The Marine Security Augmentation Unit was created and implemented shortly after the September 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans, were killed including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
The number of Marines sent to Juba, have not been specified. However this area is where fighting between rival factions has killed hundreds of people recently.
So normally a MSAU size is based on the embassy protection requirements.
Again the number was not mentioned when asked…

U.S. Africa Command stated that a crisis response force of nearly 40 troops arrived at the embassy. This was supposedly to temporarily assist the U.S. Embassy in bolstering its security, assisting with a reduction of non-emergency personnel. The troops had brought several vehicles to secure the embassy.
The MSAU, which is based in Quantico, Virginia has about 120 Marine security guards. The unit dispatches in squad-sized teams, however, the deployment to Juba, would represent about one-third of the entire force.
Unlike other Marine Corps units that can quickly reinforce security at U.S. diplomatic posts. MSAU consists entirely of trained embassy guards. That means it can be summoned by a U.S. ambassador, chief of mission or regional security officer if a diplomatic post anywhere in the world is under threat. (They’ll be used accordingly)
MSAU Training
The MSAU can also be dispatched to reinforce Marine security guards already at an embassy. This is of course if there is credible intelligence of an attack.
We all remember the November’s terrorist attacks in France, that killed over 100 people. The Marines sent a MSAU team to the U.S. embassy in Paris. At the time, the unit had deployed on about 60 missions across the world since being established little more than two years earlier.
MSAU Marines Training

Lets wish them all the best and may they be safe doing their jobs. God-Speed gentlemen!!!

Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Kill