Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pay Raise/Drawdown For Military

Good day everyone,
So I've gotten word from a few Marines that we're getting a raise. The number seems to be 1.6 percent, while others say 2.1 percent. There will also be a boost of military end strength of 27,000.
Congress reached a budget deal with the White House last year. From there the defense spending bill was set to $580 billion.
** Pay Raise
The pay raise matches the expected jump in private sector jobs for 2017. It actually goes against the the White House's plan for a 1.6 percent increase next year.
Lawmakers feel there is a possibility for the president to override the higher figure. It is also thought that the president would go with the Pentagons preferred raise.
A 1.6 percent pay raise in 2017 would be the highest for troops since 2013. It would also continue a six year continuation of military pay hikes below 2.0 percent. Defense officials are rather ok with the lower than expected raise. It will save the department more than $300 million in 2017, that's equivalent to $2.2 billion for the next five years.
It's said that lower level troops, will see bigger salaries starting January of 2017. 1.6 percent raise is an increase of $400.00 yearly for enlisted, and up to $1500.00 for officers.  Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 4.48.56 PMThe difference in the pay plans will have a major effect on families finances. The gap within the White House pay raise plan as well as the 2.1 percent boost for those of E-4 rank with three years service will be about $130.00 a year. An E-7 with 10 years will be about $220.00.
Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 4.48.36 PMMilitary pay wont keep up with private sector wages and cost. Advocates predict that the pay gap between civilian paychecks and military salaries will increase to 5% if this plan with the White House actually becomes law.
** End strength
The U.S. Marine Corps, Army, Air Force will all see end strength boosts over current levels.
Under the House plan, Army end strength will increase from 475,000 to 480,000 soldiers. Many have scrutinized the drawdown, saying the military will be potentially unprepared.
Our brothers in the Marine Corps will increase by 1,000 troops under the House, rather than dropping from 184,000 to 182,000 under White House proposals. Air Force will increase by 285 individuals rather than drop nearly 4000 to 317,000.
Navy is expected to drop from 329,000 to 322,900 by fall of 2017.
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There is also a Pentagon-led overhaul of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. This includes changes that expand the statute of limitations for child abuse offenses.
Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 4.57.04 PMChanges are also in effect for the code. This includes improper use of government computers and even more penalties for individuals who victimize recruits and trainees.
A provision was included to develop more advanced personal protective equipment systems. This includes gender-appropriate sizing of body armor.
Language  was added which would allow Women Airforce Service Pilots. Who served honorably during World War II, to have their remains buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
The full House is expected to vote on the authorization bill early May. Senate lawmakers are expected to offer their first drafts of the legislation around the same time. (should be interesting)
Leaders from both chambers have shown optimism due to a final authorization bill being sent to the president before the end of the fiscal year. (Sept. 30) However, that has only happened a few times in the last three decades.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Kill

Monday, April 11, 2016

Marine Expeditionary Unit

Marines are first to fight, we know this, we’ve heard this time after time for years. You ever wonder why though?? its because of our culture and because we maintain a forward-deployed presence near various global hotspots.
The Marine Corps’ forward presence consists of many Marine Expeditionary Units, or MEUs. MEUs spend six months training for a variety of amphibious operations before they are deployed. Marine Expeditionary Units embark on United States Navy warships, and prepare to launch missions. This could be humanitarian missions, peacekeeping missions or combat engagements, this is however, on extremely short notice.
*Hour 1
The warning Order– Aboard three amphibious assault ships, the USS Nassau, USS Mesa Verde & USS Ashland, here Marines receive orders and prepare to respond.US_Navy_030215-M-0175R-006_arines_assigned_to_the_24th_Marine_Expeditionary_Unit_(MEU)_embarked_aboard_the_amphibious_assault_ship_USS_Nassau_(LHA_4),_create_formation_lettering_on_the_ship^rsquo,s_flight_deck_spelling_out_24_M.jpg*Hour 2
Crisis Action Brief– Here Marine Corps commanders & staff of 24th MEU begin planning by reviewing intelligence and developing possible courses of action.US_Navy_060219-N-4880C-003_Marines_from_the_31st_Marine_Expeditionary_Unit_(31MEU)_are_briefed_in_the_ship^rsquo,s_hangar_bay_aboard_the_amphibious_assault_ship_USS_Essex_(LHD_2),_before_going_ashore_to_assist_with_rescue_effo.jpg*Hour 3
Detailed Planning– Here Marine ground, Aviation as well as logistics combats elements begin to prepare to support the course of action.112_2014_ap1107290183308201_c0-0-3622-2111_s885x516.jpg*Hour 4
Confirmation Brief– The MEU commander approves course of action, from there orders are disseminated to every Marine in the MEU.140804-M-PA636-048.JPG*Hour 5
Mission Staging– Marines load necessary gear they’ll need in order to move out and go on with the mission at hand.1826144.jpg*Hour 6
Execute Orders– Aircrafts and landing crafts launch the first wave of Marines ashore.bilde.jpg
*Mission– Marines of the 24th MEU put their training, planning into action on the amphibious raid training mission.maxresdefault.jpgEach MEU is an expeditionary quick reaction force. Which is deployed and ready for immediate response to any crisis, whether it be natural disaster or combat missions. May the training continue and our Marine Corps brothers be ready at any given time. God-speed gentlemen. 
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Marine Corps Dog Receives Award

Good day everyone, so today we’ll speak about our furry friend Lucca.Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 3.07.18 PMShe’s a 12 year old German Shepherd, who won the Dickin Medal. This is equivalent to the Victoria Cross, which is a decoration for ones bravery.
Lucca is the first animal to receive this great honor.Lucca with her PDSA Dickin Medal.png
The award was presented by the PDSA, a veterinarian charity that is not connected with military. Lucca was nominated for the Dickin Medal by Marines.
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Lucca saved thousands of troops, and also takes credit for never having a casualty on her patrols. On Lucca’s final patrol in Afghanistan, she found a 30 pound improvised explosive device. During her pursuit to find more she was injured and lost her front left leg as an IED was detonated.Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 3.14.42 PM
Tuesdays ceremony was attended with the owner whom is no other than Gunnery Sergeant Christopher Willingham.Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 3.14.27 PMLucca, was injured while on patrol with her other handler, Cpl. Juan Rodriguez, in Afghanistan’s Helmand province in March 2012.
“The explosion was huge and I immediately feared the worst for Lucca,” Rodriguez said in a statement. “I ran to her and saw her struggling to get up. I picked her up and ran to the shelter of a nearby tree line, applied a tourniquet to her injured leg and called the medics to collect us.”Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 3.07.02 PMLucca was evacuated to Germany and then to California’s Camp Pendleton. Rodriguez stayed near her through each stage of recovery — even choosing to sleep side-by-side some nights.
We thank you for your bravery Lucca, may the remainder of your life be well.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi

Field Ops

Marines are always active (when not standing by) this is of the norm. Lets take a look at whats going on this week in field ops.
635954514672560384-April-5-Frontlines-1.JPGMarines with Maritime Raid Force, 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit conduct a deck shoot at night during their Western Pacific Deployment.
635954514602359934-April-5-Frontlines-5.JPGMarine Corps Lance Cpl. Johnathan Williams, with Weapons Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, clears a house with Sgt. Jung Ti Hyung, an infantry man with South Korea.
Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 11.39.21 AMMarines carry the casket of fallen Marine Staff Sgt. Louis F. Cardinto. Residents gather to pay their last respects during a public viewing on the steps of the Temecula Civic Center in Temecula, Calif.Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 11.39.51 AMA Marine Corps UH-1Y Venom, assigned to Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One fires rockets (Hell Fire) during a urban close air support exercise.Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 11.39.39 AMU.S. Marines with 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, receive a class on weapon systems with Republic of Korea (ROK) Marines. This is a part of the Korean Marine Exchange Program in South Korea.635954514544327562-April-5-Frontlines-7.JPGMarines with 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment conduct inflatable boat training with South Korean marines.Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 11.40.33 AMRecruit in the middle of the Crucible.Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 11.41.01 AMA joint service color guard, presents the colors, during the national anthem, baseball’s opening day in Pittsburgh.Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 11.41.17 AMU.S. and South Korean naval ships traverse the ocean in formation in the waters surrounding the Korean Peninsula.
I love the training that continues to take place. May the Marine Corps never lose its edge as the world most elite fighting force.
Isaac J. Hall II
Semper Fi